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Introducing our comprehensive quiz set designed to help you pass the PTCB PTCE exam with flying colors!

The PTCB (Pharmacy Technician Certification Board) PTCE (Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam) is a nationally recognized exam for pharmacy technicians that is required for certification in many states. Passing this exam is a crucial step in becoming a certified pharmacy technician and advancing your career in the pharmaceutical industry.

The PTCE exam is divided into four main sections: Pharmacology (40% of exam), Pharmacy Law and Regulations (12% of exam), Sterile and Non-Sterile Compounding (8% of exam) and Medication Safety (26% of exam). With our quiz set, you can prepare and practice for each section to ensure you are fully equipped to tackle the exam.

The cost of the PTCE exam is $129 and it can be taken at any of the Pearson VUE testing centers throughout the United States. The exam is offered multiple times a year, so you have the flexibility to choose a date and time that works best for you. Registration for the exam can be done online through the PTCB website.

So why should you choose our quiz set to prepare for the PTCE exam?

– Our quiz set follows the same format and covers the same material as the actual exam, giving you a realistic practice experience.
– Each question comes with an explanation of the correct answer, helping you understand the concepts and learn from your mistakes.
– Our quiz set is constantly updated to reflect any changes to the exam, ensuring you have the most current information.
– With our quiz set, you can study and practice at your own pace, anytime and anywhere.
– By purchasing our quiz set, you are making a valuable investment in your future as a certified pharmacy technician.

Don’t leave your success on the PTCE exam to chance. Purchase our quiz set today and feel confident and prepared on exam day. Let us help you achieve your dream of becoming a certified pharmacy technician.