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CCE CPCE Exam Questions
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What is differential item functioning (DIF)?
A way of evaluating item bias
A way of calculating items
A way of constructing items
A way of approving items
Correct answer: A way of evaluating item bias
Differential item functioning (DIF) is one way in which individual items on assessments can be examined in order to prevent systematic error such as item bias that could cause skew in research results. DIF concentrates on unequal responses and evaluates whether or not this issue is due to a problem in the assessment.
DIF does not calculate items, nor is it involved in item construction per se; it is an evaluative technique to address item bias.
What is content bias?
Cultural deficits in the subject matter of assessments
Bias in assessments that make them too difficult
Bias in assessments that make them too easy
Cultural concerns about the length of assessments
Correct answer: Cultural deficits in the subject matter of assessments
Relatively recently, analyzing the structure and content of assessments in terms of culture has become more common. It seems that there is a major concern about the relevance of subject matter within questions to those from cultures who do not match the culture of the test authors. For example, a client may or may not find a question about the acceleration of motor vehicles from point A to point B relevant within their cultural framework. The concern is not difficulty or length, but relevance to culture.
Which of the following has resulted in the most controversy?
Intelligence testing
Health monitoring
Personality testing
Correct answer: Intelligence testing
Intelligence testing has resulted in a great deal of controversy because difficulties persist in identifying what to test, who should be tested, how to test, and what results mean in practice. The results of these tests and their wider implications tend to inflame debate among professionals and the general public.
Health monitoring and personality testing seem to be far less controversial than intelligence testing.
What possible ethical problem is there with promoting client independence and autonomy?
Not all cultures value independence and autonomy at the same level
Some cultures do not wish these concepts to be discussed openly
Every culture values independence and autonomy differently
Correct answer: Not all cultures value independence and autonomy at the same level
Though not every culture values such concepts as independence and autonomy differently, not all value them at the same level. For some cultures, the individual's independence and autonomy are sublimated to the needs of the group, and in such cases, a stress on independence and autonomy might actually be harmful.
It is always allowed to find out more information about a client's cultural needs and discuss them openly in order to honor these needs appropriately.
Which of the following is considered a barrier to youth employment in the education field?
Entry-level or other job requirements
Systemic, planned scarcity
Negative trending need in the education field
Lack of representation by minorities
Correct answer: Entry-level or other job requirements
It seems that there are many barriers to youth employment in areas such as education, public administration, health, and social service that discourage youth involvement in these fields and may contribute to the overall scarcity of professionals to fill available jobs. Among these barriers are entry-level or other job requirements, such as education or other gateway credentials.
The scarcity is not planned or desired and, though minority representation is always a concern, the main barrier seems to be gateway issues such as education.
Which of the following corresponds to Loevinger's theory of ego development?
From simple to complex
From unaware to aware
From social to individual
Correct answer: From simple to complex
Loevinger's theory of ego development suggests that human beings go through a general process of development that can be characterized as simple in its earlier stages and complex in later stages.
Though it does not characterize ego development as going from unaware to aware or from social to individual, it does narrate a general process of learning and differentiation so that in earlier stages, the ego is impulsive and self-protective, and in later stages is more sophisticated and autonomous.
What determines the suitability of touching a client?
The purpose of the touch
The desire of the client
The acuity of the client
The counselor's discomfort
Correct answer: The purpose of the touch
The question of when and if to touch clients is one that must be guided by the Code of Ethics, good judgment, and the intended purpose of the touch. Here, it is important for the counselor to be self-aware and ask themselves before touch is initiated what the purpose of the touch is.
Even very acute clients can express powerful emotions without the need for touch as consolation, and such a decision should never be driven by the counselor's discomfort at the expressed emotion.
What is the point of a duty to warn?
To alert specific people who might be in danger
To alert the public in general in a given area
The obligation to warn a client about consequences
The obligation to warn law enforcement about a client
Correct answer: To alert specific people who might be in danger
A duty to warn is a specific action taken by a mental health professional or other such mandated reporter who comes into knowledge that a patient in their care has a specific and believable plan to harm another. In this case, the ethical obligation is to warn that person, though jurisdictional norms and specifics will vary.
The notion of a duty to warn does not address the public or law enforcement at large. Warning a client about the consequences of a specific course of action would likely fall into the normal tasks of counseling that client.
Which of the following does mindfulness encourage?
Awareness and acceptance of the present
Awareness and acceptance of the self
Awareness and acceptance of one's symptoms
Awareness and acceptance of others
Correct answer: Awareness and acceptance of the present
At its heart, mindfulness is about awareness and acceptance of the present moment. The practice of mindfulness helps with self-acceptance and the acceptance of others, but its focus is on the person being able to keep their mind in the present and not dwell on the past or have anxiety about the future, or be overly concerned with the moods, habits, or actions of others.
How is cultural diversity relevant to behavioral modeling strategies?
Clients tend to learn better from those like themselves in general
Clients are neutral about the perceived characteristics of their behavioral model
Clients tend to learn social skills better from those like themselves
Clients develop bias about their behavioral models during the process
Correct answer: Clients tend to learn better from those like themselves in general
Though bias is no doubt present to some extent in all human beings about other human beings, its impact on behavioral modeling strategies is concrete and specific. When implementing modeling strategies, such as those that demonstrate social or other skills, clients tend to learn better from those they perceive to be more culturally similar to themselves.
This is true of skill acquisition in general and is not limited to the learning of social skills.
What is the main diversity consideration with respect to technology?
Correct answer: Availability
The use of technology in counseling is affected by many complications, including many related to diversity. Among the considerations of technology in diverse communities, such as the possible lack of infrastructure and the need for training in its use, by far, the biggest consideration has to do with the basic availability of hardware, which is highly uneven in its distribution; less educated, Blacks and Hispanics tend to lack this hardware more than other population segments.
In a practical sense, why is hope essential to therapeutic work?
It suggests a future where change is included
It is a good sign the client wishes to remain alive
It enhances a client's self-esteem
It enhances a client's physical health
Correct answer: It suggests a future where change is included
Though clients and counselors often discuss hope as a concept, its practical and diagnostic use is often left out of the dialogue. From the counselor's point of view, the expression of hope is valuable because it suggests a client has some future time orientation; it's also true that some degree of hope may help a client's self-esteem and their physical health. However, in practical terms, hope is the essential precursor to change in that, without it, it's hard to suggest to a person that they make a change. In other words, hope is the notion of a possible, changed future that is positive in character.
When do neurodevelopmental disorders generally manifest?
Before the 18th birthday
Throughout the lifespan
In reaction to a current crisis
As an artifact of predevelopmental trauma
Correct answer: Before the 18th birthday
The neurodevelopmental disorders, as they are referred to in the DSM-5, manifest during the developmental period, or, in other words, they would be expected to develop before the 18th birthday. These include communication disorders such as stuttering, intellectual disability, and autism spectrum disorder.
These disorders are not considered to develop during the lifespan or in reaction to current crises or past trauma.
What is the guidance of the American School Counselor's Association (ASCA) on the evaluation of school counseling programs?
Outcome data should be gathered
Outcome data is of secondary importance
Service provision volume data should be gathered
Correct answer: Outcome data should be gathered
Addressing what it saw as a long-standing problem in the evaluation of school counseling programs, the American School Counselor's Association (ASCA) suggested that, rather than simply gathering data on amount of services provided in terms of volume, more serious attention be given to outcome data. It is becoming more and more important for school counselors to justify their efforts with results that can be proven and provided to those who evaluate the programs.
What does reactivity refer to in an assessment context?
The way in which behavior is altered by observation
The way in which behavior changes over time
The way in which behavior responds to intervention
Correct answer: The way in which behavior is altered by observation
It is important that clinicians not forget that most behavioral phenomena change when observed, especially when the subject of the observation is aware of the surveillance. Reactivity is the term used to describe the way in which behavior is altered by the means used to observe it and can be highly variable. Nevertheless, it must be accounted for to fully complete a behavior assessment.
Behavior may or may not change over time and will likely respond in some way to intervention; however, reactivity only refers to the effect of observation.
Why is relaxation therapy effective in dealing with anxiety?
Anxiety and relaxation are incompatible states
The relaxation functions as a distraction
Anxiety cannot exist in a relaxed person
The relaxation addresses unconscious thoughts
Correct answer: Anxiety and relaxation are incompatible states
Some amount of anxiety is useful and is always present, even in relaxed human beings. However, when it is excessive, it is often effective to use a systematic relaxation strategy with the anxious person. This is due to the fact that anxiety and relaxation are inherently incompatible states; if relaxation brings down the overall level of tension in the nervous system, it is definitionally addressing anxiety.
The relaxation does not distract per se, nor does it address unconscious thoughts; it tells the brain that there is no immediate need for alarm.
Which of the following best corresponds to the definition of "principal investigator" as defined by the APA?
The person who conceptualizes, designs, and plans the study
The person who carries out the bulk of the research tasks
Any person who is named in the study as a research organizer or assistant
Correct answer: The person who conceptualizes, designs, and plans the study
The APA (2010) carefully outlines various roles in research. Of these, the principal investigator is the one who is seen as conceptualizing, designing, and planning the study; in other words, the person who bears the overall responsibility for the research itself.
The role as defined by the APA does not rule out research tasks for this individual, but the role as defined does not extend to every research organizer or assistant associated with the study.
What is the main characteristic of a positively skewed distribution of scores?
Most scores are at the lower end
Most scores are at the higher end
Scores are more positive than negative
Scores are more negative than positive
Correct answer: Most scores are at the lower end
A normal distribution is one in which scores tend to be evenly distributed around a central peak. A positively skewed distribution is one in which most of the scores are at the lower end. As with other issues around unequal distribution, there could be an underlying problem with instrumentation or reliability.
What is the role of culture in evidence-based practice (EBP)?
It provides the context for evidence-based practice
It is left out of evidence-based practice concerns
It is the primary consideration in evidence-based practice
It provides a feedback loop for evidence-based practice
Correct answer: It provides the context for evidence-based practice
Evidence-based practice, according to the APA (2006), consists of meeting the best available research on a given issue with clinical expertise in the context of a given client's culture and preferences. Thus, it has a specific contextual role and shares a level of importance with clinical expertise and the ongoing, developing knowledge manifest in available research.
It is part of the process, not a feedback loop which responds to it.
Which of the following most accurately reflects the guidance of the ACA on end-of-life options in counseling?
Counselors are expected to be competent to provide counseling in this area
Counselors are not expected to be competent to provide counseling in this area if their beliefs conflict
There is no explicit guidance from the ACA on this issue
Correct answer: Counselors are expected to be competent to provide counseling in this area
There are many areas in which counselors may be expected to provide counseling in an area that can conflict with personal belief systems. One of these is end-of-life counseling. It is now a legal and available option in the United States to pursue such options as hospice; thus, counselors are expected to be competent to provide counseling in this area, regardless of their belief systems, according to the ACA.