FSMTB MBLEx Exam Questions

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Of the following options, what is the best definition of an autoimmune disease?

  • A disease in which an individual’s immune system destroys its own tissue

  • A disease in which the body's tissue is broken down

  • A disease in which pathogenic microorganisms invade the body

  • A disease in which the body is damaged by physical, chemical, or radioactive causes

Correct answer: A disease in which an individual’s immune system destroys its own tissue

An autoimmune disease is a disease in which an individual’s immune system destroys its own tissue. Examples of autoimmune diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, scleroderma, and systemic lupus.

During degeneration, body tissue is broken down. Infectious diseases occur when pathogenic microorganisms invade the body. Trauma is sustained when the body is damaged by physical, chemical, or radioactive causes.


When passively moving a client's joint for assessment and/or treatment, what is the correct hand placement for the massage therapist?

  • One hand placed close to the joint, acting as a stabilizer. The other hand placed at the distal end of the bone, performing the movement. 

  • One hand placed close to the joint to be moved, providing the movement. The other hand placed at the distal end of the bone, acting as the stabilizer.

  • Both hands placed close to the joint, creating movement at both ends.

  • Both hands placed away from the joint at the distal end of the bone, providing movement.

Correct answer: One hand placed close to the joint, acting as a stabilizer. The other hand placed at the distal end of the bone, performing the movement. 

Hand placement by the massage therapist is important to ensure proper assessment as well as patient safety and comfort. When performing passive range of motion, one hand should be used as a stabilizer and positioned close to the joint. The other hand should provide the movement, and be positioned at the distal end of the bone.


The joint made up of the sternum and the manubrium (the manubriosternal joint) does not allow for much movement in an effort to protect vital internal organs. What type of joint is this?

  • Synarthrotic

  • Diarthrotic

  • Synovial

  • Condyloid

Correct answer: Synarthrotic

In a synarthrotic (or fibrous) joint, connective tissue directly connects bone to bone and allows for little to no movement. The three different types of synarthrotic joints are sutures, gomphoses, and syndesmoses.

Diarthrotic (or synovial) joints do not unite two bones directly; instead, they include a joint cavity filled with synovial fluid and surrounded by a joint capsule. This structure allows the joint to move freely. The shoulder, hip, elbow, wrist, and knee, are all examples of synovial joints. There are several types of synovial joints: hinge joints, pivot joints, condyloid (or condylar) joints, saddle joints, ball-and-socket joints, and gliding joints. 

Because the manubriosternal joint is immovable, it is not diarthrotic. It cannot be a condyloid joint, because condyloid joints are diarthrotic joints. 


During which phase of tissue healing is it most appropriate to focus on development of strong scar tissue, restoring firing patterns, and reducing compensatory patterns?

  • Chronic

  • Acute

  • Early subacute

  • Late subacute

Correct answer: Chronic

The chronic phase of tissue healing focuses on the remodeling of tissue and occurs 3 to 12 months after an injury. The healing tissue is no longer fragile, and collagen is laid down along lines of stress. Therefore, developing scar tissue along appropriate lines of stress to improve mobility will be beneficial in this phase as well as improving firing patterns and reducing compensatory ones. 

The acute phase should focus on managing pain and improving sleep, while the subacute phases should focus on managing edema, pain, scar mobility, and compensation patterns. It is not until the chronic phase that the focus shifts to developing strength in scar tissue.


In order to properly utilize the data gathered during the assessment, the massage therapist must:

  • Employ clinical reasoning to develop an appropriate care plan with quantifiable goals

  • Input the objective data into a national database to compare standardized norms

  • Confer with a physician to determine if there are any areas of contraindication for massage

  • Follow a standardized routine of relaxation massage

Correct answer: Employ clinical reasoning to develop an appropriate care plan with quantifiable goals

In order to properly utilize the data gathered during the assessment, the massage therapist must employ clinical reasoning to develop an appropriate care plan with quantifiable goals. Each care plan should be unique and tailored to the needs of the specific client. The assessment information guides the massage professional in creating quantifiable outcome goals. As the treatment progresses, the massage therapist can reassess the objective data to determine what progress has been made.

There is no professionally recognized national database the therapist can use for a comparison of norms.

The therapist may confer with a physician in certain cases, but this is not always required.

While relaxation massage may be a component of the care plan for some clients, it is not always indicated.


Which of the following usually affects the skin of a single dermatome?

  • Herpes zoster

  • Herpes simplex

  • Eczema

  • Folliculitis

Correct answer: Herpes zoster

Herpes zoster usually affects the skin of a single dermatome. Herpes zoster, commonly called shingles, is a virus that causes a red, swollen plaque that ruptures and crusts. 

Herpes simplex is an acute viral disease that causes cold sores.

Eczema is an allergic reaction that causes inflammation of the skin.

Folliculitis is the inflammation of a hair follicle.


What cranial nerve affects the function of visceral organs?

  • Vagus nerve

  • Trochlear nerve

  • Trigeminal nerve

  • Facial nerve

Correct answer: Vagus nerves

The vagus nerves contain sensory neurons for the pharynx, larynx, trachea, heart, carotid body, lungs, bronchi, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and gallbladder. Their motor neurons carry impulses to the pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles, and the abdominal viscera. They control heart rate and other visceral activities.

The cranial nerves include: 

I. The olfactory nerves, which transmit taste and smell information to the brain.

II. The optic nerves, which transmit visual information to the brain.

III. The oculomotor nerves, which transmit information about eye movement.

IV. The trochlear nerves, which innervate the muscles of the eyeball.

V. The trigeminal nerves, which transmit information about sensation in the head, face, and facial skin, and include motor neurons for mastication.

VI. The abducens nerves, which include both sensory and motor neurons related to eye movement.

VII. The facial nerves, which have sensory neurons for taste and motor neurons for facial expression, tear production, and salivation.

VIII. The vestibulocochlear nerves, which receive information about hearing and equilibrium.

IX. The glossopharyngeal nerves, which relate to taste, saliva production, swallowing, and the gag reflex.

X. The vagus nerves. These nerves contain sensory neurons for the pharynx, larynx, trachea, heart, carotid body, lungs, bronchi, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and gallbladder. Their motor neurons carry impulses to the pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles and the abdominal viscera. They control heart rate and other visceral activities.

XI. The accessory nerves mainly contain motor neurons for speaking, turning the head, and moving the shoulders.

XII. The hypoglossal nerves contain mostly motor neurons, which innervate the tongue and throat.


Which of the following options best describes active stretching?

  • When a person stretches themselves

  • When a second person applies the force to stretch someone else

  • Moving a client's joint through full extension and flexion

  • The active contraction of the antagonist to the muscle being stretched

Correct answer: When a person stretches themselves

Active stretching is when a person stretches himself or herself. Most stretches are held for 20–30 seconds statically in order to make a change in the muscle length. 

Passive stretching is when a secondary individual stretches another person. Passive range of motion is moving a client's joint through full extension and flexion. Reciprocal inhibition stretching is the contraction of the antagonistic muscle to the muscle being stretched.


Which of the following joints has movement in two planes?

  • Saddle joint

  • Suture joint

  • Hinge joint

  • Pivot joint

Correct answer: Saddle joint

A saddle joint has movement in two planes: the frontal (or coronal) and sagittal planes. 

In saddle joints, each bone has both convex and concave surfaces, resembling a saddle. This configuration allows for flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and minimal rotation. The joint between the wrist and the metacarpal bone of the thumb is an example of this.

In suture joints, two articulating bones are connected by a thin layer of dense fibrous tissue. This type of joint is found only in the skull, and allows little to no movement.

In a hinge joint, the cylindrical end of one bone fits into the trough-shaped surface of another. This structure acts like a door hinge, allowing for flexion and extension in just one plane. Both the elbow and knee are hinge joints.

In a pivot joint, one component is shaped like a ring and the other has a rounded end of bone that fits into that ring. This allows the bones to rotate, moving only in one plane. The atlanto-axial joint, between the first and second vertebrae, is an example of this.


Which of the following actions does the sternocleidomastoid muscle perform?

  • Neck flexion and rotation

  • Lower jaw depression

  • Mandible elevation

  • Cheek movement

Correct answer: Neck flexion and rotation

The sternocleidomastoid muscle is responsible for neck flexion and contralateral rotation (rotation to the opposite side). It originates at the manubrium of the sternum and the superior border of the medial third of the clavicle. It inserts on the superior surface of the mastoid process and the superior nuchal line of the occiput.

The platysma muscle is responsible for lower jaw depression. The masseter muscle is responsible for mandible elevation. The buccinator muscle is responsible for cheek movement.


Which of the following are not classified as respiratory medications?

  • Diuretics

  • Bronchodilators

  • Antihistamines

  • Antitussives

Correct answer: Diuretics

Diuretics are not classified as respiratory medications. They are normally used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure).

Bronchodilators dilate (enlarge) the airways of the lungs.

Antihistamines suppress allergic responses.

Antitussives suppress a cough. 


How soon after a treatment should the therapist document the details of the session?

  • As soon as possible

  • By the next day

  • Within 72 hours

  • The day before the client's next session

Correct answer: As soon as possible 

It is common for a therapist to see several clients every day. The therapist's memories of each session can quickly fade, or become confused. It's best for the therapist to document each session as soon as possible in order to avoid any errors or missing information.

If a therapist is especially busy, they may not have time to document a session immediately. However, they should make every effort to take written notes as soon as possible, rather than waiting until the end of the day or later in the week. It is absolutely imperative that the notes be recorded before the client's next session, but there is no need to wait.


A massage therapist has a new client on her schedule. The client is 11 years old, and his parents drop him off in the parking lot and leave without filling out any paperwork or coming into the clinic. The client gives informed consent for treatment. What is the most appropriate action for the massage therapist?

  • Hold off on treatment, have the parents return and give consent for treatment

  • Go ahead with treatment, have the parents sign an informed consent form at the next visit

  • Go ahead with treatment since the client has given consent

  • Hold off on treatment and send the client home

Correct answer: Hold off on treatment, have the parents return and give consent for treatment

Since this client is under 18, informed consent must be obtained from the parents prior to any treatment. Therefore, absolutely no treatment should occur until this is obtained. If possible, the parents should be called and asked to come to the clinic to complete this.

If at all possible, the client should not be immediately sent home since all that is needed is consent from the parents. Once this is obtained, treatment can begin. The client is not able to give consent since they are so young. Signing informed consent at the next visit is not appropriate because treatment will have already occurred.


Which anatomical organ is the largest?

  • The skin

  • Muscular tissue

  • The small intestine

  • A church organ

Correct answer: The skin

The skin is the largest organ of the body. It is made of three layers of tissue, including the epidermis, dermis and the subcutaneous tissue. It serves to protect the body from injury and infection, as well as controlling body temperature.

There is a great deal of muscular tissue in the body, but the muscular system is not considered to be one single organ. The small intestine is a long organ that completes digestion, absorbs nutrients and water, and digests proteins, sugars and starches. A church organ is not an anatomical structure.


When referring a client to another health care provider, what must the massage therapist do first?

  • Obtain informed consent from the client

  • Attempt one month of treatment with the client

  • Attempt all possible massage treatments

  • Send all relevant health information to the provider

Correct answer: Obtain informed consent from the client

Informed consent can be given by the client only after they have adequate information about how the massage therapist intends to proceed. The therapist must outline what services they will provide, as well as the risks, benefits, and possible other impacts of massage on the client's unique condition. After they understand this information, the client can give informed consent by agreeing to receive treatment in the manner described. The client can revoke consent at any time.

The amount of treatment the client has received or will receive has no impact on whether the therapist should refer them to another provider. Once the therapist obtains informed consent, the next step is for the therapist to either contact the health care provider directly or share that provider's professional contact information with the client. In some cases, it will be appropriate for the therapist to share the client's records with a new provider; this absolutely cannot occur without the client's informed consent.


Which of the following is true of a government certification?

  • It requires specific courses and/or exam

  • It requires only a passing score on a standardized test

  • It is not required in order to use the associated professional title

  • Without it, aspiring therapists cannot receive a diploma from their massage school

Correct answer: It requires specific courses and/or exam

To obtain a government certification, a massage therapist must take specific educational courses and also pass a standardized test. This is administered by an independent board.

It is voluntary, which means it is possible to obtain a diploma in the field without further certification. However, it is required for anyone using the protected title.


A massage client consistently inquires into a massage therapist's personal life and invites them to social events outside the treatment session. This is an example of:

  • Transference

  • Countertransference

  • Scope of practice

  • Standards of practice

Correct answer: Transference

Transference is when the client personalizes a professional relationship.

Countertransference is a professional's inability to separate the therapeutic relationship from the personal relationship. It occurs when the professional personalizes the professional relationship.

The scope of practice is the knowledge base of a profession as well as the practice parameters. The massage therapist must only perform interventions that fall under the massage therapist scope of practice.

Standards of practice are the principles that serve as guidelines for guiding ethical practice and quality care. It provides a structure for evaluating the efficacy of a massage therapist's practice.


Disinfection is an aseptic method that:

  • Reduces the number of pathogens to a level that is not harmful

  • Eliminates all pathogens

  • Creates a barrier to prevent pathogens from entering

  • Inhibits the growth of pathogens without killing them

Correct answer: Reduces the number of pathogens to a level that is not harmful

Disinfection reduces the number of pathogens to a level that is not considered harmful, but it does not eliminate all of them. This process is commonly used to clean surfaces and tools in massage therapy, ensuring that the environment is sanitary without achieving complete sterilization. Disinfection procedures most often involve:

  • Cleaning surfaces with hot, soapy water
  • Using disinfectants like a 10% bleach solution or other EPA-approved disinfectants on massage tables, tools, and other equipment.
  • Washing hands thoroughly before and after each client session.
  • Regularly laundering linens and towels with hot water and appropriate detergents.
  • Maintaining proper ventilation in the massage space to reduce airborne pathogens.

Sterilization eliminates all pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi, and is used in medical and other sterile environments.

Creating a barrier against pathogens refers to isolation techniques, such as using gloves or other protective gear to prevent contamination.

Antiseptics inhibit the growth and reproduction of pathogens on living tissues but do not necessarily kill them, which is different from the disinfection of surfaces.


Which of the following is not a psychological effect that a massage has on a client?

  • Increased flexibility

  • Increased productivity

  • Reduced fatigue and anxiety

  • Deep relaxation

Correct answer: Increased flexibility

The increased flexibility and mobility is a physiological effect of a massage, not a psychological effect.

The psychological effects of a massage include the reduction of stress from medical conditions, the reduction of pain from chronic illnesses, the reduction of fatigue and anxiety, the promotion of one’s feeling of well-being, the promotion of deep relaxation, and the enhancement of productivity.


Of the following options, which one does not require physician referral?

  • Vomiting in the past 24 hours

  • Rebound tenderness

  • Rigid abdomen

  • Difficulty swallowing

Correct answer: Vomiting in the past 24 hours

While vomiting can be a sign of pathology, if it has only been occurring in the past 24 hours, this is not a reason for referral. If it occurs with blood in the stool or any of the other answer options, then referral would be needed. 

Rebound tenderness is the occurrence of pain after a clinician presses firmly into the abdomen and then releases; this may indicate peritonitis. Both a rigid abdomen and difficulty swallowing can be signs of various gastrointestinal pathologies, and all of these signs are reasons for referral.