NBCC NCE Exam Questions

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Which of the following produces the best results for individuals with depression, according to research?

  • Cognitive therapy

  • No treatment 

  • Anti-depressants 

  • Elective surgery

Correct answer: Cognitive therapy

Though the causes of depression are many and varied, studies have shown that cognitive therapy produces more stable results and fewer relapses as opposed to anti-depressant psychopharmaceuticals. 

Surgery and no treatment are not usually considered in treatment planning for depression.


A researcher interviewed individuals with newborns and then re-interviewed them 18 years later. What type of study is this?

  • Longitudinal

  • Cross-sectional

  • Single-subject design

  • Case study

Correct answer: Longitudinal

Many types of specialized research designs and types can be used, depending on the purpose of the research and any constraints or barriers that might exist. Longitudinal research is useful in collecting data on the same group of participants over a long period of time. While longitudinal data obviously takes longer to compile than information obtained through other types of research, it can be helpful when trying to understand the impact of interventions on individuals over a long period of time. 


What is the goal of an inferential approach to statistical analysis?

  • To determine the probability of a certain event occurring

  • To describe the data collected for a research sample

  • To summarize conclusions of a study

  • To present data that is nonparametric

Correct answer: To determine the probability of a certain event occurring

Statistical analysis can be descriptive or inferential. Inferential statistics, such as analysis of variance and the t-test, measure the probability of an event occurring in the population. Descriptive statistics aim to describe the data that is collected and include means, percentages, and standard deviations.


What is the relationship between the first and second stages of the career counseling process?

  • The first stage, establishing a relationship, helps progression to the second stage, developing a better understanding of the client's problems 

  • The second stage, assessment, cannot be completed without successful completion of the first stage, providing information

  • The first and second stages, establishing a relationship and assessment, are interchangeable

  • The second stage, providing information, is only important if the first stage, assessment, determines more information is needed

Correct answer: The first stage, establishing a relationship, helps progression to the second stage, developing a better understanding of the client's problems 

Within the career counseling process there are several steps: establishing a relationship, identifying the problem, conducting an assessment, providing information, making a decision, and implementing the plan. The first stage consists of developing trust between counselor and client, with the result being a better understanding of the problems the client has in terms of career decisions.


Which of the following would be the most likely use of the empty chair technique? 

  • To help a person explore their feelings about another 

  • To allow the therapist and the client to switch roles 

  • To address trauma by reliving past events

  • To overcome fear through exposure 

Correct answer: To help a person explore their feelings about another 

The empty chair technique is used often in various models of therapy. It involves an empty chair in which the client imagines another person to be. That person will be someone that the client will benefit from "talking to" in this manner and can aid in clarifying and exploring feelings about another. 

The technique does not involve switching roles and is more geared toward the exploration of a relationship than overcoming fear or addressing trauma. 


A counselor has an adolescent client with severe behavioral problems, including aggression toward family members and threats of self-harm. She thinks her client needs additional services, but thinks his behaviors do not indicate the need for inpatient hospitalization. Which of the following is the least restrictive treatment environment that might be considered for this client?

  • A day treatment program that runs Monday through Friday and allows him to return home in the evenings

  • A group home for three to four adolescents

  • A therapeutic foster care setting

  • Partial hospital care

Correct answer: A day treatment program that runs Monday through Friday and allows him to return home in the evenings

The most restrictive environment is inpatient hospitalization, followed by residential treatment facilities, partial hospital care, group homes, and other residential options (such as therapeutic foster care for children). Less restrictive settings include intensive outpatient programs, day treatment, and outpatient services.


Taylor is a young boy who speaks in three-word sentences, such as "I want cookie." He often refers to any day in the past as "yesterday," even if the event occurred weeks before. He has an active imagination and has recently developed a fear of monsters in his closet.

According to Piaget's theory of development, what stage of development is Taylor in?

  • Preoperational

  • Sensorimotor

  • Formal operational

  • Concrete operational

Correct answer: Preoperational

Jean Piaget was a Swiss psychologist and developmental theorist known for his theory of cognitive development. His theory is based on the belief that children learn best through interactions with others, and it breaks down development into sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational stages. 

During the preoperational stage, which typically occurs between ages two and seven, the child begins to speak in multi-word sentences, expands their imagination, engages in symbolic play, and begins to possess a relative sense of time.

The sensorimotor stage occurs during the first two years of life, when children experience the world through crawling and beginning to walk, as well as with their five senses.

The concrete operational stage occurs from age seven to eleven and is marked by an increased ability to think logically and about others' perspectives.

The formal operational stage is the fourth and final stage and occurs from age eleven through adulthood. During this stage, children develop abstract thought and complex problem-solving skills.


In which of the following group stages is conflict most likely to occur?

  • Transition 

  • Orientation

  • Working 

  • Termination

Correct answer: Transition

Group work is generally conceptualized to follow a four-stage process. In the first stage, orientation, the group is formed and acquainted. The next stage, transition, is when interpersonal dynamics are worked out and conflict is most likely to occur. When this is resolved, the working phase can begin. When the work is complete, it is appropriate to measure progress in the termination stage. 


What distinguishes flooding from other types of desensitization strategies?

  • Flooding involves actual exposure to a feared stimulus 

  • Flooding does not involve exposure to a feared stimulus

  • Flooding can only be used in cases of severe trauma

  • Flooding is mostly used for mood-disordered clients

Correct answer: Flooding involves actual exposure to a feared stimulus 

Desensitization strategies are designed to reduce the anxiety that occurs when a person is exposed to a feared stimulus, as in the case of a phobia. The technique of flooding differs from other, more gradual applications of this strategy by making the exposure to the feared stimulus total and immediate. 

Flooding is not necessarily indicated or contraindicated for persons with severe trauma and mood disorder. Its suitability depends on how the counselor evaluates their possible success with this technique in response to a feared stimulus.


What is not a time when you would use a nonparametric test?

  • When you are working with ratio scale data levels of measurement

  • When the scores are abnormally distributed

  • When the variance of the sample is different from the variance of the population

  • When scores do not fall along a normal curve

Correct answer: When you are working with ratio scale data levels of measurement

Researchers must use nonparametric statistics when it is uncertain whether the distribution of scores falls along a normal curve or whether the variance of the test sample represents the variance within the general population. Nonparametric statistics are typically used with nominal data, when numbers represent a variable's qualities, and ordinal data, when categories have a definitive order. Examples of nonparametric statistical measures are the chi-square, Mann-Whitney U test, the Wilcoxen signed-rank test, and the Kruskal-Wallis test.


Which of the following is the best description of systematic eclecticism?

  • An approach to counseling that acknowledges the importance of feelings, thoughts, behaviors, cultural experiences, and societal influences, then applies those that are most relevant to the client(s)

  • An approach meant to alleviate anxiety by repeatedly exposing the client to the feared situation

  • A research technique in which researchers choose participants blindly

  • A way of understanding how individual family members feed off of each other to create dysfunctional dynamics and communication patterns

Correct answer: An approach to counseling that acknowledges the importance of feelings, thoughts, behaviors, cultural experiences, and societal influences, then applies those that are most relevant to the client(s)

Counselors should deliberately seek out training programs that provide competencies in cross-cultural counseling. These courses should include consciousness-raising, affective, knowledge, and skills components as well as systematic eclecticism, an approach to counseling that acknowledges the importance of feelings, thoughts, behaviors, cultural experiences, and societal influences and then chooses which of these is most relevant to the client(s).


Which of the following is correct about substance-related and addictive disorders in the DSM-5?

  • Concepts of abuse and dependence are no longer included

  • Concepts of abuse and dependence are formal diagnostic criteria 

  • Concepts of abuse and dependence have a separate section 

  • Concepts of abuse and dependence are outmoded 

Correct answer: Concepts of abuse and dependence are no longer included 

Among the changes present in the DSM-5 as opposed to earlier versions, the concepts of abuse and dependence are no longer included among diagnostic criteria for substance abuse and related disorders. Rather, disorders of this kind, which focus on 10 classes of drugs, are classified broadly as mild, moderate, and severe based on the number of symptoms present. 

These concepts do not have a separate section and are not considered outmoded in many areas. 


Belinda has thoughts about her motives she does not like. She believes she is greedy and petty. In her life and in her relationships, she commonly ascribes greediness and pettiness to others.

Is Belinda experiencing the defense mechanism of projection, and why or why not? 

  • Yes, as she is ascribing her negative motives to others

  • Yes, as she is ascribing the opposite motive to others 

  • No, as her motives cannot affect those of others 

  • No, as she has not consciously ascribed her motives to others 

Correct answer: Yes, as she is ascribing her negative motives to others 

Defense mechanisms are ways the mind attempts to preserve homeostasis and prevent inner conflict as much as possible. These take various forms, one of which is projection, or assigning one's distasteful or undesirable motives or ideas to others.

Projection does not involve ascribing the opposite motive to others and has nothing to do with the effect one's motives have on those of others. Defense mechanisms are largely unconscious rather than conscious.


A career counselor is interested in using a computer guidance system with numerous assessments to measure clients' interests, values, and skills. Which of the following is the most comprehensive system?

  • SIGI 3

  • O*NET

  • Focus II


Correct answer: SIGI 3

There are several computer-assisted career guidance systems that can supplement the assessments and guidance of career counselors. SIGI 3 (System of Interactive Guidance and Information) is one of the top-of-the-line systems.

O*NET is a comprehensive database that categorizes occupations according to worker characteristics, amount of education and training needed, and other factors. Focus II and CHOICES are both computer-assisted career guidance systems, but they have limited assessment components.


All of the following are true regarding CACREP, except:

  • It was established in 2010

  • The ACA is focusing on CACREP as a unifying force

  • Academic institutions are moving to require CACREP program graduation for admission

  • It exerts a considerable amount of influence over the counseling profession

Correct answer: It was established in 2010

CACREP (Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs) is the national counselor accreditation agency and significantly influences the roles and values of counselor education programs. CACREP was established in 1981 (not 2010). The American Counseling Association has recently been focusing on CACREP as a unifying force to unify the profession of counseling as a whole. Academic programs, licensing boards, and employers are moving to require that potential professional counselors graduate from a CACREP program.


Delirium, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease are all what type of disorder?

  • Neurocognitive

  • Disruptive

  • Neurodevelopmental

  • Stressor-related

Correct answer: Neurocognitive

Neurocognitive disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease, and neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism and intellectual disabilities, most likely have a biological basis. Neurocognitive disorders tend to appear later in life, while neurodevelopmental disorders begin in childhood.


William Perry is known for developing a scheme for intellectual and ethical development. This scheme includes three categories and nine positions, ending in which of the following?

  • Post-commitment, when individuals realize commitment is an ongoing and evolving activity

  • Dualism, when there are right and wrong answers

  • Multiplicity, when individuals must listen to their inner voices rather than society

  • Subjective knowledge, when there are conflicting answers

Correct answer: Post-commitment, when individuals realize commitment is an ongoing and evolving activity

William Perry's scheme was used to explain college students' journeys through intellectual and moral development, and has evolved to apply to other groups of people as well. Perry explains that there are three categories — dualism, discovery of relativism, and commitment to relativism — and nine positions spread across these categories. The final position is sometimes called post-commitment, when individuals realize that commitments are evolving and can sometimes be contradictory.


Chi-square and Mann-Whitney U Test are examples of what type of statistics?

  • Nonparametric

  • Inferential

  • Parametric

  • Descriptive

Correct answer: Nonparametric

Researchers may use parametric or nonparametric statistical measures, depending on the distribution of scores. Nonparametric statistics, such as chi-square and the Mann-Whitney U test, are used when data is not normally distributed and variances are inconsistent. Parametric statistics, such as the t-test and analysis of variance, can be used when samples are randomly drawn from the population and results are distributed along a normal curve. 


Factorial analysis of variance measures:

  • the effects of two or more independent variables on one dependent variable

  • the effects of one variable at three or more levels

  • the effects of two or more independent variables on more than one dependent variable

  • the effect of one or more independent variables on a controlled dependent variable

Correct answer: the effects of two or more independent variables on one dependent variable

Factorial ANOVA is used to find whether significant differences between two variables exist. One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) can be used to determine differences between three different forms of one variable, such as levels of income. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) is the statistic used when there is more than one dependent variable involved in the analysis. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) is used to determine covariance when an independent variable and its impact on dependent variables is controlled.


In which module of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) would a person learn to experience their emotions fully?

  • Mindfulness

  • Distress tolerance 

  • Interpersonal effectiveness 

  • Emotional regulation 

Correct answer: Mindfulness

Linehan's DBT helps individuals with a variety of presentations deal with unacceptable feelings and impulse control. It is divided into four modules:

  • Mindfulness, with the hope of helping a client experience their own emotions fully
  • Distress tolerance, accepting and tolerating the moment non-judgmentally
  • Interpersonal effectiveness, helping a client deal with conflict and relationships
  • Emotional regulation, helping a client increase positive emotions