USGBC LEED AP ID+C Exam Questions

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What is true about projects that are located near an eligible LEED Neighborhood Development (ND)? 

  • Projects located near eligible LEED NDs are not eligible for LT Credit–LEED for Neighborhood Development Location

  • Projects located near eligible LEED NDs are eligible for LT Credit–LEED for Neighborhood Development Location

  • The number of points a project located near an eligible LEED ND receives depends on how close it is to the LEED ND project boundary

  • For documentation, a project located near an eligible LEED ND must submit a map showing how far the LEED ND is from a functional entry

Correct answer: Projects located near eligible LEED NDs are not eligible for LT Credit–LEED for Neighborhood Development Location

To earn points in LT Credit–LEED for Neighborhood Development Location, the project must be within the LEED ND project boundary, not just near the LEED Neighborhood Development. This project has not earned the credit.

These projects do not need to submit a map showing how far the LEED ND is from a functional entry. The points these projects receive will not depend on how close they are to the LEED ND project boundary.


What type of project does EA Credit–Optimize Energy Performance ask to define clear baselines for all process loads? 

  • Retail 

  • Hospitality 

  • Commercial Interiors

  • Schools 

Correct answer: Retail 

For Retail projects only, this credit asks that projects define clear baselines for all process loads to compare with improvements. Process loads are appliances, equipment, etc. that are required for running the building. 

Hospitality and Commercial Interiors projects are not required to comply with this part of the credit. Schools are not a project type in LEED ID+C. Schools wanting to use ID+C would fall under Commercial Interiors. 


A project team is using the Campus Approach. What does this mean for this project? 

  • The project includes multiple different buildings in the same location that are all owned by the same entity

  • The project includes multiple different buildings in different locations that are all owned by the same entity

  • The project includes multiple similar buildings in the same location that are all owned by the same entity

  • The project includes multiple different buildings in the same location that are all owned by separate entities

Correct answer: The project includes multiple different buildings in the same location that are all owned by the same entity

The Campus Approach helps streamline the certification process for projects that include multiple types of buildings in the same location that are owned by the same entity. 

The Campus Approach does not work for projects that include multiple buildings that are in different locations, are owned by different entities, or are similar in kind because these kinds of projects do not meet its qualifications. Projects with multiple buildings of a similar kind can use the LEED Volume Program, but those with buildings on different sites and/or owned by different entities still do not qualify and have to become certified individually. 


For EA Prerequisite–Minimum Energy Performance, which of the following actions is required for all projects, regardless of the option the project uses? 

  • All projects must determine their climate zone

  • All projects must develop an energy model

  • All projects must calculate their average energy usage

  • All projects must determine their anticipated energy savings

Correct answer: All projects must determine their climate zone 

Projects must first determine their climate zone for EA Prerequisite–Minimum Energy Performance because the requirements of ASHRAE 90.1 differ based on zones. 

Not all projects need to develop an energy model, calculate their average energy usage, or determine their anticipated energy savings. These requirements depend on the option the project team chooses for the prerequisite. 


MR Credit–Long-Term Commitment requires occupants to commit to remain in the building for how long? 

  • Ten years

  • 12 months 

  • Five years 

  • 15 months 

Correct answer: Ten years

Relocation uses a lot of resources and can be harmful to the environment; therefore, to earn MR Credit–Long-Term Commitment, project teams must require their tenants to remain in the building for at least ten years. 


A project team has decided to build within a LEED Neighborhood Development. The neighborhood was built under the LEED 2009 version and certified under the Stage 1 Conditional Approval of LEED ND Plan. Which of the following is true? 

  • This project is not eligible to earn points in LT Credit–LEED for Neighborhood Development Location

  • This project is eligible to earn points in LT Credit–LEED for Neighborhood Development Location

  • This project is not eligible to earn points in any other LT credit

  • This project is not eligible to earn points in LT Credit–LEED for Neighborhood Development Location and cannot earn points in any other LT credit

Correct answer: This project is not eligible to earn points in LT Credit–LEED for Neighborhood Development Location

Not all LEED ND sites are eligible for points in LT Credit–LEED for Neighborhood Development Location. It should be Stage 2 or Stage 3 under the Pilot or 2009 rating systems and Certified Plan or Certified Project under the LEED v4 rating system. The LEED 2009 version Stage 1 LEED for Conditional Approval of LEED ND Plan is one of the ineligible versions. 

Since the project has not earned LT Credit–LEED for Neighborhood Development Location, it may be eligible to earn points in the rest of the LT credits. 


Which of the following is not an acceptable CSR framework for MR Credit–Building Product Disclosure and Optimization–Sourcing of Raw Materials?

  • Industry-Wide (generic) EPD

  • USGBC-approved program

  • UN Global Compact

  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Report

Correct answer: Industry-Wide (generic) EPD

Industry-Wide (generic) EPD is one of the environmental product declarations, not a CSR framework. 

A USGBC-approved program, the UN Global Compact, and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Report are all acceptable CSR frameworks.


Suppose a project aims to earn two points in Option 2: Diverse Uses of LT Credit–Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses. Its main entrance must be within a 1/2-mile (800-meter) walking distance of how many diverse uses? 

  • Eight or more

  • Seven or more

  • Six or more

  • Five or more

Correct answer: Eight or more

A project whose main entrance is a 1/2-mile (800-meter) walking distance from eight or more diverse uses earns two points for Option 2: Diverse Uses of LT Credit–Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses. 

Five to seven diverse uses would earn a project one point, not two.


Which of the following is not a requirement for products to be sourced from product manufacturers with independent third-party verification of their supply chain according to Option 3 of MR Credit–Building Product Disclosure and Optimization–Material Ingredients?

  • Maintains marketing and sales data transparency on the health and safety of ingredients along the supply chain

  • Communicates and transparently prioritizes chemical ingredients along the supply chain

  • Identifies, documents, and communicates information about health, safety and environmental characteristics of chemical ingredients

  • Provides publicly available safety and stewardship information about the chemical ingredients from all points along the supply chain 

Correct answer: Maintains marketing and sales data transparency on the health and safety of ingredients along the supply chain

Product manufacturers are not required to maintain marketing and sales data transparency regarding the health and safety of ingredients along the supply chain for this credit option. 

Product manufacturers with independent third-party verification of their supply chain must, at a minimum, verify that they do the following:

  • communicate about and transparently prioritize chemical ingredients along the supply chain
  • identify, document, and communicate information about health, safety, and environmental characteristics of chemical ingredients
  • provide publicly available safety and stewardship information about the chemical ingredients from all points along the supply chain


What is the minimum percentage of water use reduction that can earn project teams points in WE Credit–Indoor Water Use Reduction? 

  • 25%

  • 30%

  • 20%

  • 35%

Correct answer: 25%

To earn points in WE Credit–Indoor Water Use Reduction, project teams must further reduce their water use from the initial 20% reduction of the prerequisite. The minimum reduction is 25% for two points.

The initial required indoor water reduction from the prerequisite is 20%. A reduction of 30% would earn a team four points, while 35% would earn a team six points.


According to EQ Credit–Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan, which organization’s IAQ guidelines should the construction IAQ management plan meet or exceed?



  • CEN Standard

  • CIBSE AM10

Correct answer: SMACNA 

EQ Credit–Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan requires project teams to implement an indoor air quality management plan during the construction and preoccupancy phase. This plan must meet or exceed Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning National Contractors Association (SMACNA) guidelines. 

ASHRAE standards are used in this credit category, but this particular credit recommends that project teams follow the SMACNA guidelines for developing a construction IAQ management plan. The CEN Standard defines one of the options for filtration systems. CIBSE AM10 is a manual for designing natural air ventilation systems. 


Which of the following may apply to the commissioning authority for projects smaller than 20,000 SF (1,860 square meters)? 

  • Have documented commissioning process experience on one building project

  • An independent consultant 

  • A qualified employee of the owner 

  • A qualified member of the design or construction team 

Correct answer: Have documented commissioning process experience on one building project 

All commissioning authorities, regardless of the size of the project, must have documented commissioning process experience on at least two, not one, building projects of a similar scope. 

The commissioning authority may be an independent consultant or a qualified employee of the owner. The commissioning authority may be a qualified member of the design or construction team for projects that are smaller than 20,000 SF (1,860 square meters) 


What Cradle to Cradle Material Health certification level does a product need to achieve to be considered for MR Credit–Building Product Disclosure and Optimization–Material Ingredients?

  • Bronze level or higher

  • Basic level or higher

  • Gold level or higher

  • Platinum 

Correct answer: Bronze level or higher

MR Credit–Building Product Disclosure and Optimization–Material Ingredients requires products with the Cradle to Cradle Material Health certificate to be certified at the Bronze level or higher, and at least 90% of the materials must be assessed by weight. 

A product that is Cradle to Cradle certified (rather than being certified specifically in Cradle to Cradle Material Health) can have a v2 Basic level certification. Gold or platinum level certifications qualify but are not the minimum required level of certification. 


Encouraging teams to perform early analysis on their projects is the goal of which of the following? 

  • IP Credit–Integrative Process

  • IN Credit–Innovation

  • EA Prerequisite–Fundamental Commissioning and Verification 

  • EQ Prerequisite–Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance

Correct answer: IP Credit–Integrative Process

The purpose of IP Credit–Integrative Process is to encourage projects to perform analyses early in the project and to document how they will use their knowledge to inform the design of the building.

IN Credit–Innovation encourages projects to achieve greater or more innovative performances in certain credits. The intent of EA Prerequisite–Fundamental Commissioning and Verification is to ensure that project teams utilize the commissioning process to support the design, construction, and operation of the project. EQ Prerequisite–Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance aims to ensure the comfort and well-being of occupants. 


For a team to choose LEED ID+C, how much of the gross floor area must be complete at the time of certification? 

  • At least 60% 

  • At least 50% 

  • At least 40% 

  • At least 30% 

Correct answer: At least 60% 

To qualify for LEED ID+C, the project's gross floor area must be at least 60% complete by the time of certification. 

Projects with floor areas only 30%, 50%, or 40% complete would not qualify.


What can be earned above the prerequisite level in WE Prerequisite–Indoor Water Use Reduction?

  • Additional potable water savings using alternative water sources

  • Additional potable water savings using additional WaterSense products 

  • Additional potable water savings using xeriscaping 

  • Nothing can be earned beyond the prerequisite 

Correct answer: Additional potable water savings using alternative water sources

WE Prerequisite–Indoor Water Use Reduction does not allow project teams to use alternative water sources to achieve the initial 20% water use reduction. However, projects can earn additional savings (and points) in WE Credit–Indoor Water Use Reduction through the use of alternate water sources as a strategy.

Use of additional WaterSense products is a strategy used in the prerequisite. Xeriscaping is a landscaping technique to reduce outdoor water use, which is not covered in ID+C. 


What is the minimum requirement for Spatial Daylight Autonomy (sDA) to achieve two points in EQ Credit–Daylight?

  • 55%

  • 75%

  • 90%

  • 60%

Correct answer: 55% 

EQ Credit–Daylight, Option 1, requires project teams to demonstrate that they have achieved an sDA of at least 55% for two points or 75% for three points. 

An sDA of 90% would earn the project three points. An sDA of 60% would earn the project two points, but this is not the minimum. 


How many potential project sites should be identified according to the recommendations in IP Credit–Integrative Process? 

  • At least two

  • At most three

  • At least one

  • Exactly four

Correct answer: At least two

The LEED ID+C guide recommends that project teams identify and collect data on at least two potential sites. 

One is not recommended because it does not give the team any choice if their assessments find the site unfavorable. Four and three are perfectly acceptable but are not the minimum recommended. 


What is an acceptable water savings strategy for public lavatory faucets?

  • Installing aerators 

  • Increasing flow rate

  • Decreasing water pressure

  • Using Energy Star labeled products 

Correct answer: Installing aerators 

Aerators reduce the amount of water used by mixing the water with air. This reduces the amount of water without reducing the functionality of the faucet. 

Increasing the flow rate would use more water. Decreasing water pressure is not a strategy encouraged by LEED to reduce indoor water use. Public lavatory faucets would be WaterSense labeled, not Energy Star labeled. 


To earn points in LT Credit–Bicycle Facilities, a functional entry or bicycle storage must be within what distance from a bicycle network? 

  • A 200-yard (180-meter) walking or bicycling distance 

  • A 1/2-mile (800-meter) walking or bicycling distance 

  • A 300-yard (274-meter) walking or bicycling distance 

  • A 1/4-mile (400-meter) walking or bicycling distance 

Correct answer: A 200-yard (180-meter) walking or bicycling distance 

LT Credit–Bicycle Facilities requires projects to have at least one functional entrance or bicycle storage site within 200 yards (180 meters) of a bicycle network by walking or biking. This network must also connect with ten or more diverse uses, a school or employment center, or a rapid transit bus stop as well as with a light or heavy rail station, a commuter rail station, or a ferry terminal. 

Half-mile (800-meter) and 1/4-mile (400-meter) walking distances apply in LT Credit–Access to Quality Transit, not in LT Credit–Bicycle Facilities. A distance of 300 yards (274 meters) is too far to qualify for LT Credit–Bicycle Facilities.