ACSM-GEI Exam Questions

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Of the following, which is the best option for a beginner circuit training class?

  • TRX squats, knee push-ups, walking lunges, TRX rows, standing dumbbell shoulder press, band bicep curls 

  • TRX squat jumps, knee push-ups, kettlebell snatch, dumbbell bent over row, full plank, sliding disc reverse lunges

  • Kettlebell goblet squat, dumbbell floor press, dumbbell overhead walking lunges, barbell bent over row, alternating jump lunges

  • Kettlebell single arm clean and jerk, medicine ball slam, burpees, BOSU goblet squat, farmer carries

Correct answer: TRX squats, knee push-ups, walking lunges, TRX rows, standing dumbbell shoulder press, band bicep curls 

The implementation of something like the TRX suspension system is a good choice for beginners because it allows them to scale difficulty quickly and easily. Making adjustments like doing knee push-ups instead of full push-ups ensures that most people will be able to complete the prescribed reps. However, you must be able to regress that movement and others if they pose too difficult of a challenge. 

The other answer choices include exercise options that may be too challenging, in more than one way, for beginners. Some examples would be the kettlebell snatch, sliding disc reverse lunges, overhead walking lunges, alternating jump lunges, kettlebell clean and jerk, and more. The goal of circuit training classes is to provide a more engaging form of cardiovascular exercise through the use of weights, various movements, and an ever-changing workout program that keeps the student interested and engaged. Making the class too hard for beginners can quickly discourage them. Rather, start with easier movements and scale them up as people improve their cardiovascular and muscular endurance as well as coordination and movement execution.


Based on the primary goal of a cooldown, which exercise would be ideal after completing a 45 minute step class?

  • Riding a stationary bike

  • Using a vertical climber

  • Walking on a stair stepper

  • Using a rowing ergometer 

Correct answer: Riding a stationary bike

The goal of a cooldown is to gradually bring the heart rate closer to resting and promote venous return of blood. Riding a stationary bike allows for both of these things to occur, as it is the least taxing piece of equipment due to the low impact and the ability to move at your desired pace. 

The other three options are too intense to allow the heart rate to drop and would be better suited for the main workout.


Which of the following is true regarding the benefits of exercise for pregnant women?

  • There is a decreased risk of developing gestational diabetes

  • There is an increased chance of having twins or triplets

  • There are no benefits to exercising while pregnant; in fact, exercise during pregnancy is contraindicated

  • There is a good chance that pregnant women will develop a significantly higher VO2max while pregnant as compared to when they are post-partum

Correct answer: There is a decreased risk of developing gestational diabetes

During a pregnancy that is free from contraindications, exercise can help to decrease the risk of gestational DM, decrease the chances of developing pain that many women experience during pregnancy, and generally help ease the process of pregnancy. There are certain contraindications to exercise during pregnancy, but most women can safely participate in exercise throughout the entire gestational period.


Which of the following muscles is not a part of the rotator cuff?

  • Teres major

  • Supraspinatus

  • Infraspinatus

  • Subscapularis

Correct answer: Teres major

The rotator cuff is made up of the teres minor, infraspinatus, supraspinatus, and subscapularis. These four muscles provide significant stability and mobility to the shoulder joint.


Which of the following would most help to decrease equipment-related risks for group exercise instructors and their participants?

  • Group exercise instructors personally performing detailed inspections of equipment before and after each class, discarding any worn-out materials

  • Group exercise instructors instructing participants to check their own equipment before the start of class

  • Group exercise instructors verbally describing how to use the equipment without physical/visual demonstration

  • Group exercise instructors instructing clients to bring their own equipment from home for the class

Correct answer: Group exercise instructors personally performing detailed inspections of equipment before and after each class, discarding any worn-out equipment

Instructors should inspect all equipment to be used during the class themselves. If they detect any defects, they should send equipment for repairs or discard it, depending on facility policy. Additionally, instructors should provide a physical demonstration of how to use the equipment needed for the class. Clients who bring their own equipment or who inspect the equipment themselves may not know what to look for and, as a result, they may become injured by defective equipment.


What does performing supine crunches promote in the abdomen?

  • Strength

  • Stability

  • Flexibility

  • ROM

Correct answer: Strength

When deciding if a movement promotes strength or stability, consider how contracting this muscle affects the body. In this example, we have a supine crunch. In order to complete this movement, you must contract your rectus abdominis, which will create spinal flexion. A good rule of thumb is that if the muscle moves a joint through its range of motion, it is strength focused. Crunches often get lumped in with core stability exercises when they don’t, in fact, stabilize the spine like the transverse abdominis does.


Which of the following is not a documented effect of exercising with music?

  • Increased maximum heart rate by 10 beats per minute

  • Improved coordination

  • Reduced sensations of fatigue

  • Provides a sense of community between group exercise participants

Correct answer: Increased maximum heart rate by 10 beats per minute

Max heart rate is related to age and is not influenced by training status or any other factor.

Music has been shown to increase muscular coordination, reduce sensations of fatigue, and provide a sense of community and connectedness between group exercise participants.


Which of the following provides the best definition of exercise adherence in the group exercise setting?

  • Retention of clients for the group exercise class in question

  • The enjoyment of exercise amongst a group of like-minded individuals

  • The specific reason why a participant chooses to attend a group exercise class

  • The development of a positive relationship between group exercise participants and group exercise instructors

Correct answer: Retention of clients for the group exercise class in question

Adherence, in general, is usually defined as an attachment to something such as a person or activity. In the group exercise setting, adherence refers to the retention of clients. This is incredibly important both for participants and instructors. Clients with high levels of adherence will realize their exercise goals sooner and group exercise instructors will be in higher demand if they can demonstrate high levels of adherence in their classes.


Which of the following is not one of the three joint types in the body?

  • Hyaline

  • Synovial

  • Cartilaginous

  • Fibrous

Correct answer: Hyaline

Hyaline is a type of cartilage typically found on the articular end of a joint, providing cushioning and a smooth surface for joints to articulate properly. 

Synovial joints are what we think of, typically, when discussing joints in the body. They are freely moveable and allow the body to perform exercises like squats and push-ups. Cartilaginous joints are slightly moveable and provide more stability than synovial joints. These joints can be found in the spine and pelvis. Fibrous joints are functionally immovable and provide stability and protection. The skull is made up of fibrous joints, called sutures, held together by fibrous connective tissue.


What type of force do muscles produce in order to move joints?

  • Tensile

  • Compressive

  • Frictional

  • Spring

Correct answer: Tensile

Whether we push or pull something, muscles produce tension in order to move joints. Most muscles have an opposing muscle or group of muscles that produce the opposite movement. A good example of this would be elbow flexion and extension. The biceps brachii flexes the elbow and the triceps brachii extends the elbow. 

Muscles cannot produce any of the other listed types of force.


Which of the following is true regarding the condition known as diastasis recti?

  • Diastasis recti is a condition in which the rectus abdominis muscle is separated

  • Diastasis recti only occurs in pregnant women

  • Diastasis recti is the technical term for a torn rotator cuff

  • Diastasis recti is untreatable

Correct answer: Diastasis recti is a condition in which the rectus abdominis muscle is separated

The rectus abdominis is the classic "6 pack" muscle of the abdomen. When there is a significant amount of pressure behind this muscle, such as with pregnancy or morbid obesity, the connective tissue between the rectus abdominis, known as the linea alba, can become torn. This condition can be treated with physical therapy or surgery.


What is the number one legal claim against fitness facilities?

  • Slip and fall

  • Back injury

  • Lack of AED

  • Theft of personal items

Correct answer: Slip and fall

According to insurance providers, slipping and falling is the number one claim made against gyms. This is generally due to negligence and can be avoided by making regular inspection of areas near water fountains, showers, sinks and recently mopped floors. Using caution signs to make gym patrons aware of any wet spots is good practice as well. 

Gym patrons assume risk by signing release forms. When exercising by yourself, given the area is safe and taken care of, it’s up to the patron to use equipment as intended. This may not be the case, however, in group fitness settings where the instructor could be liable for misuse of equipment.

A gym would be out of compliance if it lacked an AED. Therefore, it is unlikely that this is the most common legal claim. Gyms are not responsible for loss or theft of items. Patrons are encouraged to keep their personal items with them or secured in the provided lockers.


What purpose does a postexercise cooldown serve in the group class setting?

  • Facilitating venous return

  • Improve active ROM

  • Maintain heart rate to continue burning calories

  • Extra practice on challenging movements

Correct answer: Facilitating venous return

When an intense bout of exercise is over, blood pressure can drop due to blood pooling in the lower limbs. This can be unsafe as it can cause one to become dizzy and even pass out. Postexercise cooldown promotes venous return, which helps bring the body back to equilibrium gradually rather than suddenly. 

Active stretching will help improve ROM, but it does not promote venous return, which is the immediate goal upon exercise cessation. 

The goal of a postexercise cooldown is to bring the heart rate back to normal levels gradually. A byproduct of the cooldown is excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), which states that the body will continue to burn calories at a higher rate post exercise until the heart rate returns to normal. 

The time to practice movements is either before or during class. As stated above, the goal of a cooldown is to promote venous return and lower the heart rate.


Which of the following is true of diabetes mellitus?

  • Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic condition in which the body cannot produce or utilize insulin properly

  • Diabetes mellitus is generally considered to be a mild disorder that does not warrant any special consideration during exercise

  • People with type I diabetes should avoid all forms of exercise

  • People with type II diabetes should avoid all forms of exercise

Correct answer: Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic condition in which the body cannot produce or utilize insulin properly

Diabetes mellitus is a serious metabolic disease that affects millions of people every year. The condition can lead to irreversible organ damage if it is not promptly and properly addressed. 

People with type I and type II diabetes can safely exercise, as long as proper precautions are taken.


What is the recommendation for fluid consumption during exercise?

  • ~10 oz every 15-20 minutes

  • ~20 oz every 5-10 minutes

  • ~30 oz every 45-50 minutes

  • ~35 oz every 55-60 minutes

Correct answer: ~10 oz every 15-20 minutes

The recommendation is between 4 and 16 oz of fluid every 15 to 20 minutes. The frequency of drinking while exercising is important, as you are constantly losing fluids and electrolytes. 

Fluid does not only mean water. Depending on the intensity and duration of exercise as well as environmental factors such as outdoor temperature and humidity level, an electrolyte beverage is much preferred over water.


In general, what effect does exercise have on diastolic blood pressure (DBP)?

  • Stays the same or lowers slightly

  • Increases proportional to SBP

  • Significantly lowers

  • For every 20 points that SBP rises, DBP increases by 5 points

Correct answer: Stays the same or lowers slightly

DBP should stay relatively the same or slightly lower. One of the responses to exercise is vasodilation, meaning the blood vessels dilate or increase in size, which lowers the resistance to blood flow. With less resistance, DBP should remain the same or even decrease during exercise.  

DBP is the pressure against artery walls while the heart is relaxed between contractions. For this reason, it is not likely to see major changes in DBP.

If you or a client notice that their SBP or DBP drops significantly, consider seeing a doctor.


A group exercise instructor is teaching her class how to correctly perform a sidelying hip abduction movement. Which of the following planes does this movement primarily take place in?

  • Frontal

  • Sagittal

  • Transverse

  • Superior

Correct answer: Frontal

The frontal plane allows for abduction and adduction. These motions can be incorporated with other movements, in other planes. However, when analyzed specifically, it is always important to be able to identify which anatomical planes are being emphasized with a given movement.

The sagittal plane allows for flexion and extension primarily. The transverse plane allows for rotational movements. Superior is an anatomical direction, indicating that something is located above something else.


Which of the following is an example of pre-fatiguing a muscle group?

  • Performing quad extensions before lunges and squats

  • Performing calf raises with feet facing forward, then performing calf raises with feet turned in

  • Performing pull ups before bicep curls

  • Performing push presses before lateral shoulder raises

Correct answer: Performing quad extensions before lunges and squats

Prefatiguing a muscle is the practice of working synergist, or helper muscles before working a more comprehensive movement. While the quads are used during both a squat and a quad extension, the squat uses many more, larger muscles that can be pre-fatigued with the use of quad extensions first.


Which of the following is true regarding the cardiovascular system's response to exercise?

  • Heart rate and systolic blood pressure tend to increase proportionally along with increased exercise intensity

  • Heart rate tends to decrease as exercise intensity increases

  • Blood pressure tends to decrease as exercise intensity increases

  • Diastolic blood pressure increases as exercise intensity increases

Correct answer: Heart rate and systolic blood pressure tend to increase proportionally along with increased exercise intensity

The heart has to work harder in order to deliver oxygen and nutrients to working muscles during exercise. As exercise intensity increases, the demand for these nutrients increases as well. For this reason, systolic blood pressure and heart rate both increase, along with an increase in exercise intensity.

Diastolic blood pressure should stay relatively constant during exercise. A significant decrease in blood pressure combined with an increase in exercise intensity would be a cause for concern in most individuals.


Which of the following is not a benefit of performing unilateral strength training exercises?

  • Improved flexibility

  • Improved balance

  • Addressing weaknesses and imbalances on one side of the body

  • Improved ability to disassociate body regions

Correct answer: Improved flexibility

While flexibility may slightly improve with all strength training exercise, this is not an inherent benefit of unilateral exercise.

Unilateral exercise can improve balance, address weaknesses on one side, and help individuals to disassociate movements and control their opposite limbs.