ACSM-GEI Exam Questions

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In terms of participant safety, which of the following would be the best way to incorporate a propulsion/power move into a step routine?

  • Encouraging participants to perform a plyometric step up, where they explode upward at the top of a step up

  • Encouraging participants to jump down from the step and land on both feet

  • Encouraging participants to jump down from the step and land on one foot

  • Encouraging participants to slowly step up, but rapidly step down during a pattern

Correct answer: Encouraging participants to perform a plyometric step up, where they explode upward at the top of a step up

Plyometrics can be an effective addition to a step class. However, all power moves should always be incorporated on the movement that progresses to the top portion of the step rather than down toward the ground. 

Explosive movements down toward the floor can significantly increase joint impact forces and can lead to acute or chronic joint injuries.


In most cases, in which direction will a disc herniation occur?

  • Posterolateral

  • Anterolateral

  • Lateral

  • Posterior

Correct answer: Posterolateral

In the majority of disc herniation cases, the disc protrudes backward and laterally into the spinal nerves. This is why many disc herniations will involve sciatica-type symptoms, in which the patient has shooting pain and weakness in the legs, as well as pain in the back.

Discs can theoretically herniate in any direction, but they rarely move in any direction besides posteriolaterally.


Which of the following is true regarding blood flow through the heart?

  • Deoxygenated blood flows through the right side of the heart to the lungs and then returns to the left side of the heart to be sent out to the rest of the body

  • Deoxygenated blood flows through the left side of the heart to the lungs and then returns to the right side of the heart to be sent out to the rest of the body

  • Blood flows from right to left at the uppermost portion of the heart, then from left to right at the bottommost portion of the heart

  • Blood flows from left to right at the uppermost portion of the heart, then from right to left at the bottommost portion of the heart

Correct answer: Deoxygenated blood flows through the right side of the heart to the lungs and then returns to the left side of the heart to be sent out to the rest of the body

The right atrium receives all deoxygenated blood from the body via multiple veins. From here, the blood is pumped to the right ventricle. In turn, the right ventricle pumps the blood to the lungs, where it receives oxygen. Then, the blood returns to the left atrium, moves on to the left ventricle, and is sent out to the various tissues of the body.


What is the all-or-none principle in regard to muscle contraction?

  •  A sarcomere, when stimulated by a nerve impulse, will fully contract

  • When stimulated by a nerve impulse, all muscle fibers in the directed area will contract

  • When stimulated, either all Type I or Type II fibers will contract

  • A muscle or group of muscles will contract and take a joint through full ROM when stimulated by a nerve impulse

Correct answer:  A sarcomere, when stimulated by a nerve impulse, will fully contract

The all-or-none principle refers to a sarcomere contracting maximally when stimulated by a nerve impulse. A sarcomere can either be at rest or fully contracted. 

Your body regulates how much force is produced by the number of muscle fibers it recruits. This is why you can pick up an empty coffee cup without throwing it in the air, but you can also curl a 25 pound dumbbell. 

Type I and II fibers aren’t swapped between with the flip of a switch. Muscle fiber types adapt over time to adjust to what each individual is doing.


A GEI wants to incorporate some exercises for the rotator cuff. Which of the following movements would most emphasize all four of the rotator cuff muscles?

  • Dumbbell lateral raises; sidelying internal and external rotation with dumbbell

  • Bicep curls; triceps extensions; front shoulder raises

  • Supinated bicep curls; crunches; front shoulder raises

  • Pull ups; push ups; lateral dumbbell raises

Correct answer: Dumbbell lateral raises; sidelying internal and external rotation with dumbbell

While most shoulder exercises will rely on the rotator cuff for stability to some degree, these movements specifically emphasize all four rotator cuff muscles. The supraspinatus initiates abduction, the teres minor and infraspinatus perform external rotation, and the subscapularis performs internal rotation.


Which of the following outlines all parts of the 7-step strength exercise instruction process for GEIs?

  • Directions, explanation, body awareness, stimulation, action words, evaluation, acknowledgements

  • Pre-warm up, warm-up, pre-exercise, exercise, cool down, post-cool down, debriefing

  • Movements, muscles used, kinesthetic awareness, proprioception, plyometric concerns, length-tension relationships, equipment use

  • Rhythm, stationary movement explanation, cadence, intensity, volume, training goals, debriefing

Correct answer: Directions, explanation, body awareness, stimulation, action words, evaluation, acknowledgements

While group exercise instructors will develop their own unique styles in which they convey all important information to participants, this 7-step process, found on page 104 of ACSM's Resources for the Group Exercise Instructor, is a great reference point for group exercise instructors of all experience levels to figure out how to efficiently convey all pertinent information to participants during a class.


A GEI is educating her class on the importance of core stability. Which of the following best explains why it's important to have strong core muscles?

  • The spine is naturally unstable, and strong musculature is the main way we can support this structure

  • Strong core muscles provide a significant aesthetic appeal, which is the primary reason why most people exercise

  • Core muscle strength is correlated with memory; the stronger the core, the better the memory 

  • Research has shown that training the core is not as important as we once thought; classes designed around core strength are strictly geared toward increasing feelings of self-worth

Correct answer: The spine is naturally unstable, and strong musculature is the main way we can support this structure

The spine is supported by ligaments, bony structures, and other tissues. However, muscles seem to provide the best support for the spine overall.


A GEI observes a participant performing a straight leg raise incorrectly. The instructor attempts to provide verbal cues and visual cues, but the participant is still not able to complete the exercise with safe, effective form. 

Which of the following would be the best strategy to help this participant develop better form on the straight leg raise?

  • Asking for permission to touch the participant, then providing tactile cues

  • Providing tactile cues by placing the instructor's hand on the participant's quadriceps and instructing them to tighten said muscle

  • Continuing to provide various visual cues

  • Continuing to provide various visual and verbal cues

Correct answer: Asking for permission to touch the participant, then providing tactile cues

The client has already demonstrated that verbal and visual cues have not been helpful in correcting her form. Therefore, continuing to provide these types of cues would likely be fruitless. By obtaining consent, then providing tactile cues, the instructor protects herself from liability and can provide the participant with more detailed instruction.


What test is designed to test hamstring flexibility?

  • Sit-and-reach

  • Step test

  • Partial curl-up

  • Push-up test

Correct answer: Sit-and-reach

The sit-and-reach is designed to test one’s hamstring flexibility. 

The step test is done for 3 minutes and tests cardiovascular endurance. The partial curl-up and push-up test muscular endurance.


Which of the following is a common benefit between both play and group exercise?

  • Cardiorespiratory endurance improvements and improved muscular endurance/strength

  • Structured practice leading to improved cognition

  • Unstructured socialization leading to better social health

  • Low risk of injury

Correct answer: Cardiorespiratory endurance improvements and improved muscular endurance/strength

Both play and group exercise can lead to improved heart and lung health/endurance as well as better muscular fitness.

Group exercise classes are structured, while play is typically not. There is potentially a higher or lower risk of injury in either pursuit, depending on a number of different factors.


Which of the following is true regarding the ACSM Quick Screen?

  • The ACSM Quick Screen is performed verbally

  • The ACSM Quick Screen is a written assessment

  • The ACSM Quick Screen can be used in place of a standard preactivity screening assessment

  • The ACSM Quick Screen should ideally be performed individually with each participant in a group exercise class prior to every session

Correct answer: The ACSM Quick Screen is performed verbally

The ACSM Quick Screen is a useful tool for the GEI to use when new participants have joined a class. This assessment is performed verbally prior to the start of class and includes questions to establish whether or not the new member will be able to safely complete the class and whether they will require any modifications or special considerations.

The ACSM Quick Screen should be used in conjunction with a standard preactivity screening assessment. It is unreasonable to perform the ACSM quick screen with every participant before every class. Rather, this tool should be used only for new members or those whose health status may have changed since the last time they participated in the class in question.


In order to emphasize the triple extensor muscles for a participant with low back pain, which of the following modifications on the twister squat would be most appropriate?

  • Eliminating the rotation and performing a regular squat

  • Eliminating the squat portion of the movement and performing standing rotations

  • Having the participant perform supine upper trunk rotations

  • Having the participant perform bridges

Correct answer: Eliminating the rotation and performing a regular squat

As stated in the question, the goal is to emphasize the triple extensor muscles, i.e., the quads, glutes, and calves. Therefore, eliminating the rotational component of the movement in favor of a simple squat would reduce the strain on the back but would still emphasize the muscles in question.


What is a disadvantage of using a TRX?

  • There is a learning curve to use

  • Wide range of unique exercises to learn

  • Core stability is necessary for many of the exercises

  • Quickly change lengths of straps

Correct answer: There is a learning curve to use

The TRX has a little bit of a learning curve to get over when getting used to it. Many of the movements can be quite difficult, but a positive thing is that it is easy to regress most exercises to make them easier.


Which of the following is true regarding step training?

  • Step training provides a significant challenge for participants, but causes very little joint impact

  • Participants should always be encouraged to select the highest step available, then modify as needed

  • The generally preferred stepping tempo is 105-110 beats per minute

  • Step training has not developed any variations over the years

Correct answer: Step training provides a significant challenge for participants, but causes very little joint impact

The impact forces imparted on participants during step training are similar to those experienced during a brisk walk. However, step training can create a significant cardiovascular demand on the body, similar to that of a high-intensity jogging session.

The preferred stepping tempo is 118 to 128 beats per minute. Step training has gone through many iterations since it was invented in the late 1980s. Participants should be encouraged to select the lowest step height that will still allow for enough intensity during the session.


Which of the following is an example of a cluster set?

  • A set of squats immediately followed by a set of lunges

  • A set of squats immediately followed by a set of pull ups

  • 3 sets of 10 reps of weighted pull ups with one minute of rest between sets

  • A set of 100 reps of bench press with 30% 1RM

Correct answer: A set of squats immediately followed by a set of lunges

Cluster sets are those that use multiple exercises for the same muscle group with little or no rest between the movements. 

A set of squats immediately followed by a set of pull ups most nearly describes a super set. 3 sets of 10 reps of weighted pull ups with one minute rest between sets describes a traditional set. A set of 100 reps of bench press describes a high volume set.


A GEI is educating participants on the importance of vitamins and minerals. Which of the following is true of these micronutrients?

  • Vitamins and minerals have no appreciable caloric value

  • All vitamins and minerals are fat soluble

  • All vitamins and minerals are water soluble

  • Vitamins and minerals are only found in plant products, not animal products

Correct answer: Vitamins and minerals have no appreciable caloric value

Vitamins and minerals provide excellent benefits to the body, but they do not provide many calories. 

Some vitamins are fat soluble, while others are water soluble. Various vitamins and minerals are found in higher concentrations in animals, while others are found in higher amounts in plants.


A participant asks the GEI whether he should use a heavier weight for shoulder presses during class. With 50 pounds, he can perform 4 reps. With 30 pounds, he can perform 12 reps. If the goal of this class is muscular endurance, how should the GEI respond?

  • He should use the lighter weight in order to perform more reps

  • He should use the heavier weight and perform fewer reps

  • He should not be using weight at all, as this is a muscular endurance class

  • He should alternate every rep between the heavier weight and the lighter weight during each set

Correct answer: He should use the lighter weight in order to perform more reps

When it comes to muscular endurance, lighter weight and higher reps is often the better choice. Muscular strength is developed when one lifts heavier weights for fewer reps. Because the goal of this class is muscular endurance, the lighter weight makes more sense.

Weights can and should be used during a muscular endurance class. Alternating between heavier weight and lighter weight within a single set is not practical in most situations.


Which of the following would be most appropriate for the cool-down period after a group exercise class?

  • Instructing participants to perform standing, gentle, dynamic stretches, progressing into seated and supine/prone stretches as participants' heart rates slow down

  • Instructing participants to immediately sit down after the workout phase and begin performing static hamstring stretches

  • Instructing participants to run in place, gradually increasing the intensity throughout the cool-down period

  • Instructing clients to immediately lay down on their stomachs after the workout phase and to remain there until they are ready to begin stretching

Correct answer: Instructing participants to perform standing, gentle, dynamic stretches, progressing into seated and supine/prone stretches as participants' heart rates slow down

During a workout, the heart rate can rise to very high levels. When this happens, participants need to gradually decrease this heart rate as the workout tapers down. If they don't, they could experience a cardiovascular event due to blood pooling. For this reason, starting in standing with gentle, rhythmic movements can be very helpful for recovery. From here, participants can then gradually move into seated positions for stretching and prone/supine positions to finish up, if appropriate.


Which of the following is true about the ACSM guidelines for beginners who are attempting to increase their physical activity?

  • Duration is generally more important to consider than intensity

  • Intensity is generally more important to consider than duration

  • Intensity and duration bear equal consideration

  • Intensity is the only factor that matters; if a workout is tough enough, it doesn't matter how long it lasts

Correct answer: Duration is generally more important to consider than intensity

As people progress through the beginning stages of exercise, it's important to slowly increase the duration of their exercise sessions. While higher intensity movements may benefit these individuals, the duration of exercise is the most important consideration early on.


Which of the following is an advantage of using a stability ball during group exercise class?

  • Stability balls increase the difficulty of all exercises by challenging participants' balance ability

  • Stability balls are easy to store in large numbers

  • Stability balls pose no risk to participant safety

  • Stability balls are a one-size-fits-all piece of equipment

Correct answer: Stability balls increase the difficulty of all exercises by challenging participants' balance ability

By manipulating the variable of balance, group exercise instructors can significantly increase or decrease the difficulty of an exercise.

Stability balls can be very difficult to store, as they are so large. Stability balls can lead to many different injuries if participants are not effectively taught movements and monitored during exercise. Stability balls come in many different sizes which are suited for different participants' body types and sizes.