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ISSA CPT Exam Questions
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Increases in blood lactate during aerobic endurance exercise is an example of a physiological change that affects which body system?
Metabolic system
Endocrine system
Cardiovascular system
Respiratory system
Correct answer: Metabolic system
There are changes and adaptations seen in many systems in the body with aerobic endurance exercise. The increases in blood lactate during training are considered a metabolic response to training. As an individual performs aerobic exercise, metabolism increases, resulting in the production of both carbon dioxide and lactate, which can begin to accumulate in the muscle tissue.
The endocrine system includes the pancreas, adrenal cortex, and the adrenal medulla. One important function of the endocrine system is to regulate the availability of energy substrates needed for training.
Examples of cardiovascular system changes seen with aerobic training include increases in maximal oxygen uptake and aerobic capacity. Increases in blood lactate are not considered a cardiovascular adaptation.
Respiratory adaptations involve breathing function and capacity.
Which of the following is not a description of correct technique used to perform the supine leg curl exercise?
Keep the lower back and buttocks on the floor
Abduct the arms ninety degrees away from the body with palms down
Position the lower calves and back of the heels on the apex of the stability ball to start
Correct answer: Keep the lower back and buttocks on the floor
Keep the lower back and buttocks on the floor is correct because these are kept off the floor at all times during the exercise. The exercise begins with the feet, knees, hips, and shoulders in a straight line. When the knees are flexed to ninety degrees at the top of the exercise, the knees, hips, and shoulders are still kept in a straight line.
Abduct the arms ninety degrees away from the body with palms down and position the lower calves and back of the heels on the apex of the stability ball to start are incorrect because these are descriptions of correct exercise technique.
Which of the following shifts in muscle fiber type occurs as a result of repeated resistance training?
Type IIx to type IIa
Type II to type I
Type I to type II
Correct answer: Type IIx to type IIa
Type IIx to type IIa is correct because this occurs due to the change in the myosin heavy-chain composition of the muscle cell. This change is often observed after only a few training sessions. Therefore, resistance training can affect not only the quantity of muscle tissue but the quality as well.
Type II to type I is incorrect because resistance training is more anaerobic in nature. Type I to type II is incorrect because this has not been significantly observed in any research.
Which is an important quality of a personal trainer?
Clients feel that the personal trainer is listening to them
Clients feel that the personal trainer is exceptional in all areas of fitness
The personal trainer shares their own health information openly with clients
The personal trainer shares the health information of their clients with other trainers
Correct answer: Clients feel that the personal trainer is listening to them
Clients should be able to build a solid relationship with their trainer, and the trainer should listen and acknowledge the client's concerns, challenges, and successes. A trainer should have knowledge of many types of exercise and should be a role model for clients. However, a personal trainer is not required to be exceptional in all areas of fitness. Personal health information should not be shared by trainers, as this is unprofessional and unethical.
During which of the following plyometric exercises is a countermovement not involved in correct execution?
Ankle flip
Standing long jump
Correct answer: Ankle flip
Ankle flip is correct because this exercise only involves movement in the ankle and shoulder joints. Countermovements typically include the ankle, knee, hip and shoulder joints. The primary action of this plyometric exercise is ankle plantar flexion.
Skip and standing long jump are incorrect because these exercises include a countermovement.
Which of the following is the correct sequence of training phases in order to achieve maximal power-generating capacity?
I. Muscular strength
II. Muscular endurance
III. Muscular power
IV. Hypertrophy
Correct answer: IV, I, III
IV, I, III is correct because to achieve maximal strength a period of training that targets hypertrophy should precede training that targets maximal strength; and to achieve maximal power as the target outcome, one needs to first develop maximal strength levels. Sequencing the training emphasis is critical to achieving specific training outcomes. A periodic shifting of the training goal in sequence avoids stagnation and encourages physiological and performance adaptations.
II, IV, I, III is incorrect because a muscular endurance phase does not aid in future hypertrophy, strength or power adaptations. I, IV, III is incorrect because in order to maximize strength, it should be preceded by hypertrophy training.
What is the recommended daily intake of water for sedentary adult females and males, respectively?
75 oz/day, 100 oz/day
85 oz/day, 115 oz/day
80 oz/day, 105 oz/day
155 oz/day, 190 oz/day
Correct answer: 74 oz/day, 100 oz/day
Water serves many important purposes for the body, which is why as a fitness professional you need to ensure that your clients are consuming enough water daily. Water needs can be met either by drinking water or by consuming foods that have a high water content. Daily recommendations are as follows:
- Ault females: Approximately 75 oz/day (2.2 L)
- Adult males: Approximately 100 oz/day (3.0 L)
Additional fluid is needed if a person is on a weight-loss plan, exercises, has a physical job, or spends a lot of time outside.
Which of the following static stretches should be performed if, during the overhead squat assessment, an individual's feet turn out?
Static gastrocnemius and soleus stretch
Static standing adductor stretch
Static sternocleidomastoid stretch
Static hip flexor complex stretch
Correct answer: Static gastrocnemius and soleus stretch
When performing static stretching, only focus on the muscles that have been identified as being overactive in the overhead squat assessment. Tightness in the gastrocnemius and soleus can lead an individual's feet to turn out during the assessment. Therefore, focus on incorporating a static stretch of the gastrocnemius and soleus into the exercise plan during the warm-up.
Which of the following is an advisable training session for a client recovering from a stroke?
Cycle ergometer at 30% VO2 max
Treadmill walking at 30% VO2 max
Cycle ergometer at 50% VO2 max
Correct answer: Cycle ergometer at 30% VO2 max
Cycle ergometer at 30% VO2 max is correct because of the compromised physical and cardiovascular ability of this client. A client who recently had a stroke will have compromised limb function in terms of both strength and balance and should therefore only use an ergometer to start. In addition, clients become rapidly deconditioned after a stroke and will, therefore, begin at a very low exercise intensity.
Treadmill walking at 30% VO2 max is incorrect because walking is not advised due to lack of strength and balance. Cycle ergometer at 50% VO2 max is incorrect because this exercise intensity is too high for this population.
Which of the following is a barrier to exercise that can easily be overcome?
Social physique anxiety
Lack of social support
Low self-confidence
Correct answer: Time
There are many potential barriers to exercise, but lack of time is often used as the main excuse. In reality, it is usually a priority identification issue more than an actual lack of time. Sometimes the client really does have no room in their schedule, and if that is the case, they should delegate tasks and/or find something that reduces the number of responsibilities they have. This would be considered instrumental support.
Social physique anxiety is one of the most challenging barriers but usually improves as the client achieves more process goals. Lack of social support can be overcome by finding someone at the gym with similar goals/schedule for support, and low self-confidence may improve as the client becomes consistent with exercise.
Developing goals from physical assessments is critical for which of the following?
I. Program design
II. Motivation
III. Determining Client-Trainer Compatibility
IV. Identifying Client's Health Status
I and II only
I and III only
II and IV only
Correct answer: I and II only
I and II only is correct because the results can aid in determining appropriate session frequency, length, intensity, and complexity that a client will continue to adhere to. Developing goals gives the client focus and a purpose while exercising. Whenever possible, tests should be chosen based on the client's initial goals and then these goals can be refined with the testing results.
I and III only is incorrect because client-trainer compatibility should have been determined during the initial client consultation. II and IV only is incorrect because a client's health status must be determined before the testing process in order to ensure their safety.
Goals that include which of the following characteristics are most likely to provide and define the direction of the exercise program?
I. Specific
II. Action Oriented
III. Extremely Challenging
IV. Time Sensitive
V. Based on Objective Data
I, II, and IV only
II, III, and IV only
I, III, and V only
Correct answer: I, II, and IV only
I, II, and IV only is correct because goals should be defined both in direction (specific) and time (time sensitive), and be based on a process, or behavior (action oriented), not a result. In addition, these goals should be measurable and realistic. Goals provide purpose and motivation for a client.
II, III, and IV only is incorrect because goals should be realistic, not overly difficult, or nearly impossible to reach. I, III, and V only is incorrect because measurement is an important characteristic of a goal and when possible subjective, not objective, measurement should be used.
Golfer’s elbow is an example of what type of injury?
Pattern overload
Unbalanced training
Suboptimal positioning
Correct answer: Pattern overload
Pattern overload involves excessive repetition of the same pattern of motion, which may place abnormal stresses on the body. This can result from either numerous small patterns or a few impactful movements. Golfer’s elbow is a result of inflammation within the soft tissues inside the elbow and is caused by improper positioning and improper muscle recruitment.
Unbalanced training, suboptimal positioning, and hypomobility are all examples of what can lead to pattern overload when there is a dysfunction present within the kinetic chain. These are not types of injuries.
Which of the following best describes a training macrocycle?
An overall training period that typically lasts for at least one year
A portion of a training program made up of multiple microcycles
A single workout
A week-long period of workouts
Correct answer: An overall training period that typically lasts for at least one year
The macrocycle is the "big picture" of a workout plan. The macrocycle encompasses all of the mesocycles, which, in turn, encompass all of the microcycles.
A portion of a training program made up of microcycles is known as a mesocycle. A single workout and a week-long period of workouts are both considered microcycles.
Which of the following ailments can be identified in a potential client when an effective health and medical questionnaire is administered?
All of these
Sudden cardiac death risk factors
Orthopedic concerns
Correct answer: All of these
All of these is correct because a health and medical questionnaire can provide insight into a potential client's appropriateness for moderate to intense exercise based on a comprehensive list of factors. In addition to the factors listed in the answer, coronary risk factors, existing diagnosed pathologies, recent operations, and personal history of signs, symptoms, medications, and lifestyle can be identified. Information from this questionnaire is instrumental in maintaining client safety.
Sudden cardiac death risk factors and orthopedic concerns are incorrect because these are part of the larger answer.
How long should the wall stretch be held in order to improve the flexibility of the gastrocnemius and soleus?
30 seconds
10 seconds
60 seconds
Correct answer: 30 seconds
30 seconds is correct because the wall stretch is a static stretch. Static stretches should be moved at a slow, constant speed to the end point to relax and simultaneously lengthen the stretched muscle. This is a relatively safe method of stretching, and injury only occurs if the stretch is too intense.
10 seconds is incorrect because this is too short to allow time for the muscle to relax and lengthen. 60 seconds is incorrect because this length of time may elicit a stretch reflex response that will contract the stretched muscle.
At the end of the forward movement phase of the forward lunge exercise, where should the lead knee be positioned?
Directly over the lead foot
In front of the lead foot
Behind the lead foot
Correct answer: Directly over the lead foot
Directly over the lead foot is correct because this position allows the client to absorb the force from the forward movement of this exercise and places it in a position to produce force for the backward movement. In addition, this places the knee in a safe and neutral position without undue stress on the soft tissue surrounding the joint. This is a strength, muscular endurance and hypertrophy exercise that targets a variety of the major muscles of the lower body.
In front of the lead foot is incorrect because this indicates that the client stepped out too shallowly. Behind the lead foot is incorrect because this indicates that the client stepped out too far.
All of the following are examples of behavior strategies except:
Positive self-talk
Goal setting
Correct answer: Positive self-talk
Behavior strategies aim to change a client's actions and habits related to exercise and physical activity. These include self-management, self-monitoring, and goal setting.
On the other hand, cognitive strategies aim to change a client's thought patterns to improve exercise adherence. These include imagery, positive self-talk, and psyching up.
All of the following modes of exercise are appropriate for pregnant people except:
Light jogging
Stationary cycling
Water activity
Step aerobics
Correct answer: Light jogging
It is advised for pregnant people to only participate in low-impact cardiorespiratory activities such as step aerobics, treadmill walking, stationary cycling, and water activity. By participating in these activities, jarring motions can be avoided. However, people who are experienced runners may continue with caution.
Which of the following would be an appropriate progression from the single-leg floor bridge exercise?
Bridge with feet in a suspension trainer
Supine marching
Floor cobra
Floor bridge
Correct answer: Bridge with feet in a suspension trainer
As a fitness professional, it is important to recognize when an exercise is either too easy or too difficult for a client. A prepared fitness professional will not only recognize these signs but also have appropriate regression (decrease in difficulty) or progression (increase in difficulty) options, based on the client's needs.
If an individual no longer feels a challenge while performing a single-leg floor bridge exercise, an appropriate progression would be to try bridging with feet in a suspension trainer. With a suspension trainer, the individual is in a proprioceptively enriched, unstable environment that can increase muscle activation to a greater degree.