NSCA-CPT Exam Questions

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Which of the following is the primary directive for assigning loads to a personal training client?

  • Training goal

  • Training status

  • Number of repetitions

Correct answer: Training goal

Training goal is correct because of the specificity of training. Different load and repetition schemes will have different training effects. It is recommended that various loading schemes be employed in a program to avoid overtraining, allow for progression, and maximize training adaptations.

Training status is incorrect because, although it's a factor that slightly alters the load, it is not the primary determinant. Number of repetitions is incorrect because typically this variable, along with load, is based upon training goal.


An individual is performing the butterfly stretch in the following position:

  • The soles of the feet are together with the knees bent.
  • The hips are in external rotation.
  • The elbows are pushing down on the insides of the thighs.
  • The torso is curled forward to bring the nose closer to the toes.

What should be corrected (if anything)?

  • The torso should be leaning forward but maintaining a flat back (not rounded).

  • The hips should be neutral.

  • This position is correct.

Correct answer: The torso should be leaning forward but maintaining a flat back (not rounded).

When performing the butterfly static stretch, the individual should be in the following position:

  • The soles of the feet are together with the knees bent.
  • The hips are in external rotation.
  • The hands are holding the feet.
  • The elbows are pushing down on the insides of the thighs.
  • The torso should be leaning forward while maintaining a flat back (not rounded).

This stretch targets the hip adductors and gracilis, and should only performed following a warm-up. Static stretches should generally be held for about 30 seconds.


A client is cycling at a high percentage of his heart rate max for 20 minutes. Which of the following types of training best describes what this client is doing?

  • Pace/tempo training

  • Long, slow-distance training

  • Cross-training

  • Circuit training

Correct answer: Pace/tempo training

Pace/tempo training is a useful tool for athletes who are looking to compete in certain cardio events, such as races. This type of training involves maintaining a high intensity for short periods of time.

Long, slow-distance training involves working at a lower intensity for longer periods. Cross-training involves combining different modes of exercise into one workout. Circuit training involves performing multiple different movements in successive fashion during a workout. Circuits can have timed intervals, rep intervals, or can be organized in different ways.


During the downward movement phase of the barbell shoulder press exercise, where should the elbows be positioned?

  • Directly below the wrists

  • Inside of the wrists

  • Slightly in front of the wrists

Correct answer: Directly below the wrists

Directly below the wrists is correct because this positions the upper body to be able to apply maximal force to the barbell. In addition, this position decreases the likelihood of injury during the exercise. As this exercise places the barbell over the head, a spotter should always be used to ensure client safety.

Inside of the wrists is incorrect because this indicates that the grip being used is too wide. Slightly in front of the wrists is incorrect because this places unnecessary stress on the shoulder, elbow, and wrist joints.


Which of the following is an acceptable situation in which to discontinue use of cardiopulmonary resuscitation?

  • An AED is ready to use.

  • Another individual can take over

  • You determine the victim will not survive.

Correct answer: An AED is ready to use.

An AED is ready to use is correct because this should be used in conjunction with CPR to provide the best emergency services possible to a victim. The AED will concentrate on re-establishing the heart rhythm (if needed) while CPR provides oxygen to the tissue and organs of the body. Other acceptable situations for discontinued use of CPR are obvious signs of life from the victim, extreme fatigue by the responder(s), relief by another certified individual or EMS personnel, or if the scene becomes unsafe.

Another individual can take over is incorrect because this individual must be certified to take over. You determine the victim will not survive is incorrect because this decision is outside of a personal trainer’s scope of practice.


You are working with a new client. When you have him walk on the treadmill, he experiences intense, cramp-like pain in his calves. The pain resolves once he stops exercising, but reliably increases every time he starts walking again. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this pain?

  • Intermittent claudication

  • Muscle weakness

  • Decreased flexibility in the lower quarter

  • A lack of muscular strength

Correct answer: Intermittent claudication

Intermittent claudication, as described, is an indicator of potentially serious cardiovascular disease. This client should be referred to a medical professional for further testing.


Which of the following is considered a relative contraindication for exercise during pregnancy?

  • Extreme weight gain

  • Severe anemia

  • Uncontrolled insulin-dependent diabetes

  • Persistent bleeding in the third trimester

Correct answer: Extreme weight gain

Women should gain weight during pregnancy, but extreme weight gain can be a cause for concern.

Severe anemia, uncontrolled insulin-dependent diabetes, and persistent bleeding in the second and third trimesters are absolute contraindications.


When spotting a client performing the flat dumbbell fly, where should the spotter place their hands during the downward and upward movement phases?

  • Near the client's wrists

  • Holding the client's wrists

  • Near the client's elbows

Correct answer: Near the client's wrists 

The flat dumbbell fly exercises require the use of a spotter for safety purposes. The client is supine on a bench, and the spotter should stand at the end of the bench near the client's head. The spotter will hand the dumbbells to the client who will hold them right on or above the chest. The spotter will help the client lift the dumbbells to the starting position with the dumbbells held above the chest, palms facing in, and arms slightly bent with the elbows pointing out to the sides.

The client lowers the dumbbells out to the sides and lifts them back up without flexing or extending the elbows. During the exercise, the spotter will place their hands near the client's wrists and follow the client's arms throughout the entire movement. This allows the spotter to provide immediate assistance if needed. Placing the hands near the elbows or the hands does not provide the spotter the same ability to help a client who gets stuck or loses control of the weight as they have near the wrists.

It's important not to hold the client's wrists throughout the movement to prevent restricting their movement and to allow them to perform the repetitions without assistance. The spotter should only provide help when necessary.


Developing goals from physical assessments is critical for which of the following?

I. Program design

II. Motivation

III. Determining Client-Trainer Compatibility

IV. Identifying Client's Health Status

  • I and II only

  • I and III only

  • II and IV only

Correct answer: I and II only

I and II only is correct because the results can aid in determining appropriate session frequency, length, intensity, and complexity that a client will continue to adhere to. Developing goals gives the client focus and a purpose while exercising. Whenever possible, tests should be chosen based on the client's initial goals and then these goals can be refined with the testing results.

I and III only is incorrect because client-trainer compatibility should have been determined during the initial client consultation. II and IV only is incorrect because a client's health status must be determined before the testing process to ensure their safety.


Cat is preparing to perform the low pulley seated row. Which of the following describes the correct position of her torso when performing this exercise?

  • Perpendicular to the floor

  • Leaning slightly backward

  • Leaning slightly forward

Correct answer: Perpendicular to the floor

Perpendicular to the floor is correct because this exercise is performed in an erect seated position. Jerking the upper body, leaning slightly backward, or flexing the torso forward are considered common errors of this exercise. The only joints that should produce movement during this exercise are the shoulders and elbows.

Leaning slightly backward is incorrect because this will change the line of pull on the musculature of the client. Leaning slightly forward is incorrect because this may place the client in a position to injure her back.


Dan is a 180-pound football player, Ed is a 170-pound basketball player, and Tim is a 140-pound cross-country runner. Of these three athletes, who is most likely to consume the most carbohydrate on a daily basis?

  • Tim

  • Dan

  • They will all consume about the same amount.

Correct answer: Tim

Tim is correct because his recommended carbohydrate intake is between 445 and 636 grams per day. Dan's recommended carbohydrate intake is between 409 and 491 grams per day, and Ed's recommended carbohydrate intake is between 386 and 464 grams per day. To calculate Dan's (or Ed's) carbohydrate intake, the recommendation of 5 to 6 g/kg (180 pounds/2.2 pounds per kilogram = 81.8 kg x 5 g/kg = 409 grams, 81.8 kg x6 g/kg = 491 grams) is used for a strength and power athlete. To calculate Tim's carbohydrate intake, the recommendation of 7 to 10 g/kg (140 lb/2.2 lb/kg = 63.6 kg x 7 g/kg =  445 grams, 63.6 kg x 10 g/kg = 636 grams) for aerobic endurance athletes is used.

Dan is incorrect because his range of recommended carbohydrate intake is less than Tim's. They will consume about the same amount is incorrect because, although their ranges overlap to an extent, Tim's range is much higher than Dan's.


A client needs to decrease resistance training frequency in the upcoming two months due to work commitments. What is the minimum number of training sessions that this client should perform during this time to maintain strength and power levels?

  • One to two per week

  • Three to four per week

  • One to two per month

Correct answer: One to two per week

One to two per week is correct because this amount of training is enough to maintain improvements in strength and power. One to two sessions must, however, train each body part at least once for maintenance to occur. In clients who have very low strength levels or training statuses, this may even be enough of a stimulus to continue adaptation.

Three to four per week is incorrect because this is more training that what is needed for maintenance. One to two per month is incorrect because this is less training than what is required for strength and power maintenance.


You have a client who has a family history of colon cancer. He is very worried that he will suffer from the same disease. Which of the following is most important to include in his program?

  • Progressive resistance exercises

  • Cardiovascular exercise

  • Flexibility exercises

  • Power exercises

Correct answer: Progressive resistance exercises

While all forms of exercise are helpful in reducing cancer risk, resistance exercise seems to have a significant positive effect on the digestive system. This seems to be a good way to reduce colon cancer risk specifically, by moving food through the digestive tract more quickly.

Power, flexibility, and cardiovascular exercise are all important parts of a comprehensive exercise program, but resistance training seems to be the best option when it comes to reducing colon cancer risk.


During which phase should staff be selected and a plan for continued staff professional development be devised?

  • Pre-operation

  • Operation

  • Construction

Correct answer: Pre-operation 

Pre-operation is correct because this is the period in which the concentration is on staff and staff-related issues. Before seeking and interviewing staff, a process whereby the staff will be selected, including standard hiring guidelines, should be developed. An appropriate level of education, certification, and employment experience should be determined for each position.

Operation is incorrect because the focus should be on providing great customer service during this phase. Construction is incorrect because this phase should focus on executing the master plan and meeting project deadlines.


How much protein should the following client consume on a daily basis in order to be at the safe intake level, as defined by the World Health Organization?

A 45-year-old male who weighs 180 pounds and exercises at a moderate intensity 3-4 times per week. 

  • 65 grams

  • 98 grams

  • 144 grams

Correct answer: 65 grams

65 grams is correct because this is equivalent to 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight for this individual.

The first step in calculating the protein needs for this person is to convert his body weight in pounds to kilograms: 180 pounds/2.2 pounds/kilogram = 81.8 kilograms.

Then calculate the protein requirement using the recommended 0.8 grams/kilogram: 0.8 grams/kilogram x 81.8 kilograms = 65 grams of protein.

98 grams is incorrect because this is the lower end of the protein requirement range for an athlete. 144 grams is incorrect because this would be the result if body weight was not converted to kilograms.


Which of the following correctly describes the end position of the bar during the downward movement phase of the lying triceps extension exercise?

  • Touching the forehead

  • Touching the nose

  • Over the head

Correct answer: Touching the forehead

Touching the forehead is correct because this ensures that the upper arms remain perpendicular to the floor and allows the only movement to be flexion and extension of the elbow. Moving the upper arms away from a perpendicular position relative to the floor is considered a common error for this resistance exercise. This exercise is used to increase the size, strength, and endurance of the triceps brachii muscle.

Touching the nose is incorrect because this is a dangerous position for the client and may lead to injury. Over the head is incorrect because this position would cause the upper arms to move back and involve musculature other than the triceps.


When an exercise facility has an automated external defibrillator (AED), where should it be located?

  • Within a 1.5-minute walk from the site of a potential incident

  • In the locker room

  • Anywhere within the facility as long as it is on location

Correct answer: Within a 1.5-minute walk from the site of a potential incident

It is beneficial to keep an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) on site within a fitness facility. It's important to ensure that:

  • It is immediately accessible to the area in which an incident is most likely to take place, such as a fitness room.
  • It should be located no more than a 1.5-minute walk from the potential incident area.
  • Emergency procedures should be developed, outlining the procedures to follow, including the retrieval and use of the AED.
  • Staff must be trained on using the AED and be familiar with the emergency procedures.
  • Staff should practice emergency procedures regularly, including the use of the AED.
  • The AED must be accessible to someone in a wheelchair, according to ADA guidelines.

An emergency first-aid kit should also be kept on site.


A volleyball athlete performs walking lunges prior to completing their workout. Which of the following is the best description of how this movement is being used in this instance?

  • As part of a dynamic warm-up

  • As part of a progressive resistance training exercise program to build muscular endurance

  • As part of a progressive resistance training exercise program to build muscular power

Correct answer: As part of a dynamic warm-up

Dynamic warm-ups are an effective method of increasing range of motion (ROM) that involves performing functional movements. The individual purposely moves their joints through a large ROM in a controlled manner. Movements typically used for dynamic stretching resemble movements performed in daily life and also during exercise. Dynamic stretching is a great method to use prior to activity.

It's important to remember the following guidelines for dynamic stretching:

  • Always perform a general warm-up before performing any type of stretching to increase the core and tissue temperature
  • Never force the stretch
  • Select functional movements such as lunge walks and arm circles
  • Consider the needs of the individual when selecting dynamic stretches. Select exercises that help provide the ROM necessary for the movements and positions they need for their workout and daily activities.

While the walking lunge can be used for both building muscular endurance and muscular power, it is being used as a warm-up in this scenario. 


A client is looking over an informed consent form. Which of the following is likely to be included on this form?

  • Information on the possible benefits of exercise

  • Questions about the client's health history

  • A waiver that absolves the trainer of responsibility if the client is injured during exercise

  • Questions about the client's dietary choices

Correct answer: Information on the possible benefits of exercise

An informed consent document generally serves to give the client information about the possible benefits and risks associated with exercise.

Questions about the client's health history will usually show up on the PAR-Q+ and any other health history forms. The assumption of risk serves as a waiver that can reduce some liability on the trainer, should the client become injured during training. Questions about dietary choices will usually be included on a lifestyle questionnaire.


Which of the following aerobic conditioning training variables is the most important for an individual with hyperlipidemia?

  • Frequency

  • Duration

  • Intensity

Correct answer: Frequency

Frequency is correct because exercising regularly throughout the week will allow the improvement in insulin action and lipid profiles that occur for up to 48 to 72 hours post-exercise to be always experienced. Aerobic conditioning is the main type of exercise recommended for individuals with hyperlipidemia. Dietary changes play a greater role than physical activity in reversing this condition.

Duration is incorrect because, although a factor, it is not the most important variable. Intensity is incorrect because lower intensity aerobic conditioning is often used for this population.