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CRCC CRC Exam Questions
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Which of the following is the difference between qualitative and quantitative research?
Quantitative research uses statistical methods, while qualitative research uses description
Qualitative research uses statistical methods, while quantitative research uses description
The terms are interchangeable except in certain circumstances
Correct answer: Quantitative research uses statistical methods, while qualitative research uses description
The most basic divide in research design is between qualitative and quantitative research. In both cases, valuable data is being gathered from participants. However, in qualitative data, the research data is much more descriptive in character (for example, firsthand accounts and narratives) than quantitative data, which is much more statistical in character (for example, collating multiple sets of survey data).
Which of the following statements about formative evaluation is inaccurate?
It is completed once a program is finished.
It is a continuous process throughout the life of a program.
It is a way of examining a program or process.
It is a method of constant performance improvement.
Correct answer: It is completed once a program is finished.
Programs and processes should be evaluated in order to determine their effectiveness. In many cases, such evaluations and assessments are used to drive important funding decisions for agencies and can have major implications for the life of that program or process. A formative evaluation is one that is conducted on an intermediate basis throughout the life of a program or process, allowing for changes to be made along the way.
Which of the following is most likely to be neglected by trait and factor career counselors?
Correct answer: Values
Values are the factor in career counseling that is both the most difficult to measure and the most likely to be neglected by trait and factor counselors.
Though much research and instrumentation centers on measuring aptitude and achievement, values are more likely to be left out of the equation altogether despite their importance to many who are choosing a career path.
How might a collectivist culture background in a client affect the counselor's ethics around self-efficacy and autonomy?
It may call for a value adjustment
It does not change anything
It calls for a consultation with an ethics board
The counselor must change their value system
Correct answer: It may call for a value adjustment
Part of being culturally aware and sensitive is the fact that such sensitivity may call upon the counselor to adjust their values. A good example is the conflict between the desire for a client to have autonomy and self-efficacy, which is a highly Western value, and the more collectivist values of many other cultures around the world.
In these cases, it would not be expected that the counselor would change their whole value system to meet the client's, but they would be expected to keep the collectivist cultural background of the client in view and adjust the application of the ethical value in the given circumstance.
Is it good practice to be warm and encouraging during an intake interview?
Yes, as this produces more and better results in general
No, as this will have an effect on the results of the intake
Yes, as it is humane and proper to do so
No, as neutrality of affect is key in performing a responsible assessment
Correct answer: Yes, as this produces more and better results in general
The practical reason for employing what are called the Rogerian factors (warmth, acceptance, and encouragement, among others) during an assessment is that an assessment conducted in this way produces more and better results in general from the client.
It could also be considered the most humane way to conduct such an interview, but the focus in all clinical client-facing time should be on what will bring the client the best attention to their issue of concern. Rogerian factors definitely will have an effect on the intake, and this is desirable for the reasons described; a neutral affect is generally regarded with suspicion by those novel to assessment.
What are the two assumptions of person-centered therapy?
We can understand our own problems and resolve our own problems
We can analyze our behavior and evaluate its usefulness
We can address the past and overcome the past
We can learn about trauma and heal its damage
Correct answer: We can understand our own problems and resolve our own problems
Person-centered therapy in any form rests on two assumptions. First, that we have the human capacity to understand our own problems, and second, that we have the capacity to resolve them with inner resources. In individual or shared modalities, person-centered therapy seeks to create a climate of trust and safety where issues can be explored in this light.
Person-centered therapy may or may not analyze behavior, address the past, or attempt to resolve trauma; the focus is on the capacity of human beings for growth.
What is the point of a family sculpture strategy?
To enact a family dynamic of study
To address the pathology of an individual
To share an artistic experience
To enact suppressed grievances
Correct answer: To enact a family dynamic of study
Family sculpture is not an artistic endeavor, but a family therapy modality in which the family physically enacts a dynamic that is being studied in family therapy. For instance, the family might arrange themselves to depict how they feel about the economic pressures on the system.
Though individual pathology might be highlighted by this method, this is not the point, nor is the enactment of grievances; the main effort is to show through a depiction of physical relationships how a family is coping with a given situation.
How are contextual variables most important to research design?
They affect the validity of research
They affect participant selection
They affect the accounts in qualitative research
Correct answer: They affect the validity of research
Contextual variables are the many factors that influence research which may or may not be explicitly accounted for within a given research design. These are nonetheless important and can have a major effect on the validity of research outcomes. For example, all of the various concerns about diversity can fall under the umbrella of contextual variables; in other words, how responsive is the research to these variables and how meaningful are the contextual variables to the end result?
Contextual variables can include such items as participant selection, but the overall concern is for the validity of the finished research. The accounts in qualitative research can be affected by contextual variables, but the overall concern is more broad.
What is the overall point of psychological research?
To improve the practice of related professions
To heighten the overall level of knowledge in the science
To illustrate gaps in fundamental processes
To address diversity and advocacy concerns
Correct answer: To improve the practice of related professions
Overall, the point of psychological research is not to address diversity and advocacy concerns, though it may do so. It is not to illustrate gaps in processes or even to heighten human knowledge with respect to the science, though these may occur.
The overall point is to improve the practice of related professions informed by the research, such as counseling, social work, psychiatry, and so on.
About what percentage of people in the United States are exposed to trauma yearly?
Correct answer: 7%
Significant to all areas of human development is the experience of traumatic stress in that individual. Estimates suggest that up to 7% of people in the United States experience trauma in any given year, which has major implications for the way human beings adapt and grow in relationship to the neurological damage they have experienced in this regard.
Which of the following would be an accurate statement regarding Kegan's ideas about the evolution of self?
Being a human involves making meaning
Being a human involves loss and separation
Being a human means eventual autonomy
Correct answer: Being a human involves making meaning
As a constructivist thinker, Kegan believed that much of our developmental work as human beings depended on the meaning we make of our situation as we progress through life. Kegan's developmental theory sees the development of a unique self as a process of making meaning within the systems of one's life, outgrowing one system and moving to another as the individual constructs their personal world.
What is the role of diagnosis in solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT)?
It is deemphasized in treatment
It is addressed in solution sets
It is left out altogether
It is carefully examined and evaluated
Correct answer: It is deemphasized in treatment
Solution-focused brief therapy (SBFT) is a modality that is focused on creating solutions to identified problems, rather than dwelling on issues. In SBFT, though psychopathology is not totally forgotten, it is deemphasized in favor of finding out what works and doing more of what works. It is thought by practitioners of this modality that the focus should be on dealing with immediate issues of concern with action plans, not on protracted examination of diagnosis and the more detailed structure of client problems.
Which of the following types of client is most likely to terminate therapy?
A substance use client after one session
A phobic client midway through desensitization
A depressed client after many months
Correct answer: A substance use client after one session
Clients terminate therapy for any number of reasons related to rapport, diagnosis, cost, convenience, or other factors. The most likely clients to terminate therapy on their own are those clients who find that they are actually not invested in a change process before that process has a chance to begin. Substance-using clients who are not ready to change their way of life are among the most likely to terminate therapy.
Clients who are deeply underway in treatment are much less likely to terminate on their own.
What are the two components to the prediction of work adjustment?
Satisfaction and satisfactoriness
Satisfaction and dissatisfaction
Satisfaction and sustainability
Correct answer: Satisfaction and satisfactoriness
In work adjustment theory, there are two components to the prediction of work adjustment. The first is satisfaction, meaning satisfaction with the work one does, and the second is satisfactoriness, referring to the employer's satisfaction with the individual's performance. These two components predict the nature and the quality of the work adjustment that is possible within the given management scenario.
Which of the following is the usual goal of systematic desensitization?
Anxiety reduction
Affective relief
Personality repair
Correct answer: Anxiety reduction
Systematic desensitization is a process of anxiety reduction that is usually aimed at relief from a given feared stimulus or situation, such as a specific phobia or a more general anxiety. Generally speaking, the technique involves graduated exposure to a feared stimulus so that the responses of the individual with respect to anxiety decrease as the process continues, finally resulting in total mitigation of the specific anxiety.
The technique is not explicitly meant to address affective states such as depression, nor is it meant to address deep issues within the personality; it is a way of addressing very specific anxiety-provoking phenomena.
Can a generalist counselor function as a marriage and family therapist?
Yes, with the proper training
No, the disciplines are entirely separate
Yes, in most circumstances
Correct answer: Yes, with the proper training
It is difficult to say where exactly the difference begins between the scope of generalist counseling, which will most likely often drift into issues concerning marriage and family, and the scope of the marriage and family therapist per se. Needless to say, there is much overlap, though the specialization of marriage and family therapy is useful in addressing its primary issues of concern.
In most cases, the disciplines are not considered completely separate, and generalist counselors with adequate preparation can function in this regard.
Are socially deviant behaviors mental disorders?
Not in and of themselves
Yes, in most circumstances
Not unless there is a sexual component
Not unless there is religious fixation
Correct answer: Not in and of themselves
In diagnosing mental disorders, those responsible must be careful not to over-pathologize the broad range of normal human behavior. A great deal of socially deviant behavior, even that which contains political, sexual, or religious issues, is still not pathological. In many totalitarian regimes, any socially deviant behavior can be considered pathological and can result in consequences. The DSM-5 offers strict diagnostic criteria with which to determine what is and is not a mental disorder.
What is the guidance of the ACA with respect to informed consent for mandated clients?
Informed consent must be obtained
There is no need for informed consent
The issue is settled by the court orders involved
Correct answer: Informed consent must be obtained
Though jurisdictional requirements vary, the guidance of the ACA is clear with respect to the services provided to mandated clients. The ACA stipulates that informed consent must be obtained from these mandated clients in most ways similar to non-mandated clients, including consent for services and release of information.
Obviously, this puts the counselor in a bind with respect to court orders that may be the source of such mandation; the best course of action is to adhere to the agency policy or court provisions from local jurisdictions that will no doubt address the issue in its full complexity.
How does parental interest in achievement affect the intelligence scores of children?
The greater the parental interest, the greater the intelligence score
There is no measurable effect in most cases
The lesser the parental interest, the greater the intelligence score
Correct answer: The greater the parental interest, the greater the intelligence score
Though there is some lingering question about the research findings, it does seem that parental interest affects achievement in many ways. One of the ways this is reflected is in intelligence scores. Generally speaking, it seems that the greater the parental interest in achievement, the higher the intelligence score.
What did Piaget mean by the "gamma solution"?
A new schema being created out of the old
The death of a family member
A radical shift in consciousness
Correct answer: A new schema being created out of the old
Jean Piaget believed that human beings go through several stages of constructing their personal world. Change forces the individual to adapt constantly to new information and to include it into a schema, which, according to Piaget, is not only a framework of knowledge but the way in which that knowledge is gained. According to Piaget, a gamma solution refers to a new schema arising from one that is older, as opposed to completely new radical shifts in consciousness.
The concept does not explicitly refer to the death of family members.